Valentine's Day Mini Promptathon 2017

Feb 08, 2017 07:04

Yes, our promptathons roll around again, as (semi) reliably as birds migrating.

So, once again it's the time for the Most Romantic Mini Promptathon Of All.

Or platonic. Or full of badassary. Doesn't have to be romantic. Your choice. We welcome ALL!

TimelineNow (Tuesday, February 7th - February 14th midnight eastern: Prompt! Prompt ALL THE THINGS ( Read more... )

valentine's 2017

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Comments 335

inkvoices February 7 2017, 22:19:28 UTC
Clint is backpacking on a shoestring budget. (He may or may not have dragged his rich friend Kate along, or she may have instigated this. Could be post-circus or post-army or a complete AU.)

Natasha is on an organised trip or package holiday (or on a job or just finished a job, depends how AU yoh want this) and she's bored.

Travelling happens.  And other things.

(YAY it's prompting time! I've been saving some for just this occasion *grins*)


franztastisch February 7 2017, 22:38:32 UTC
This speaks to me on many levels.


findthesea February 7 2017, 22:45:53 UTC
Honestly, the moment I read this, even without looking at the replies I thought FRANZI. ;)


inkvoices February 7 2017, 23:01:46 UTC
Oddly I didn't actually target this one. Sometimes I do have someone in mind when I think of something, since I'm a low down dirty enabler, but strangely nope, not this time. Unless I just do it subconciously now *grins*.


inkvoices February 7 2017, 22:20:04 UTC
Clint works for a National Park. Natasha works for the Mirriam Webster Dictionary or Teen Vogue. They meet. In person or online.


alphaflyer February 7 2017, 23:22:21 UTC
Teen Vogue reporter Natasha was hell-bent on finding out who was behind that Rogue National Parks twitter account, and whether their spelling was deliberately atrocious just to throw people off his scent.


angela_n_hunt February 8 2017, 05:11:22 UTC
Yes, please!


inkvoices February 8 2017, 08:52:23 UTC
Bwahaha PERFECT :D


inkvoices February 7 2017, 22:22:09 UTC
They meet on a train. Everyone's travelling somewhere.


charlie_spark February 16 2017, 06:54:26 UTC

Well, this is moderately terrifying, but here we are...

She is Nina, and she is 21 with a worn passport that says she has taken this ride seventeen times. (She isn't and she hasn't, but that hardly matters now.)

He is Thomas, and he is 29, and SHIELD didn't bother with giving him a passport. (The phone call is short and to the point, she's in Munich echoing in his ears long after the line goes dead.)

They've had a number of close encounters across Europe but this is the first time they've been face to face instead of a smudge of shadow in a scope or a blur of movement out the corner of the eye. She's bleeding into the sweater she pilfered from a laundry line and the pain when he breathes says at least three ribs are cracked. It's not glorious, but every searing breath tells him that he's still alive. Exhaustion leaves her languid in her seat, but every defiant beat of the pulse at her throat declares she is not finished. (Not yet.)

They sit through two stops in expectant silence before he breaks, because something kept his finger off the ( ... )


RE: S Bahn 27, G, No Warnings inkvoices February 16 2017, 08:52:31 UTC
I love it! Especially that they pass two stops silently and: It's bizarre, knowing that she has been so many other people for other people, but she can't answer him for herself. You have some lovely phrasing in this. And it'd perfect reading it on the train into work this morning :D

(PS - mod note, sorry - Can we have a title and a rating when you have a minute please? You might not be able to edit the original comment because i've replied to it, but just let us know so we can add it to the masterlist. Thank you!) Mod note for masterlist - title info: S Bahn 27 G, no warnings.


kiss_me_cassie February 16 2017, 15:57:12 UTC
HAPPY HAPPY SIGH. This is just absolutely lovely and I like the might've could've beens.


inkvoices February 7 2017, 22:23:20 UTC
Every kind of sex act you can think of, the Black Widow has been there, done that. But this is new. (It's not what you do, it's how you do it. And who you do it with.)


crazy4orcas February 8 2017, 17:08:14 UTC
Kinda along these same lines I was going to prompt that when she's having sex for her own pleasure (and it's pretty much my headcanon that Clint's the first/only one she's had sex with for herself) Natasha finds she's really quite vanilla and likes missionary -- she likes feeling surrounded by Clint.


inkvoices February 8 2017, 20:29:20 UTC


crystallitanie February 9 2017, 20:11:57 UTC
Me too!!


inkvoices February 7 2017, 22:25:39 UTC
We are the granddaughters of the witches you weren't able to burn


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