Hello wonderful bar, it’s October once again and that means it’s Secret Santa sign up time! Please read the following information carefully - we like to tweak things to try and make them better so there are some changes - and please do follow the instructions for the sign up form because it makes everything easier. Thank you!
REQUESTS: from now until 09:00 GMT Saturday 15th October
CHOICES POST: will go up ASAP after and be available until 17:00 GMT Friday 21st October
ASSIGNMENTS SENT OUT: by 23rd October at the latest
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Midnight (whatever your time zone) Sunday 4th December
An exchange is where you sign up with ideas for what kind of gift you’d like and what kind of gift you'd like to give, then everyone gets a gift and makes a gift, and it's all anonymous until reveals at the end. For this exchange gifts can be EITHER a fic OR a gift basket.
This post is to sign up to take part in the exchange. We also like to have a graphics team to make banners for all the gifts. If you would also like to make other graphics goodies, pinch-hit, beta read, and cheerlead, THANK YOU. You can do any or all of these extra things regardless of whether you’re in the exchange or not - either comment to this post or wait until we have a post later on calling for volunteers.
THE RULES OF THE COMM APPLY 2) Your gifts need to have a focus on Clint and/or Natasha - solo or as friends, partners, lovers, colleagues, spouses, enemies… We love other characters and welcome fics with all pairings and no pairing group gen fics, but the focus of our comm are on these two.
SEE THIS POST and message a mod if you have any questions.
3) Fics must be a MINIMUM of 1,000 words and a MAXIMUM of 10,000 words. Gift Baskets are the arty option, but should be the equivalent of the same length fic. They can be made up of art (such as a wallpaper, painting, picset, fanvid, or graphic manip), a fanmix (minimum cover and 5 tracks), icons (minimum 10), or a combination or any of these, or a combination of these and a short fic (minimum 500 words).
4) This is an anonymous exchange, so don’t reveal who your giftee is until after the reveals!
If at any point during this exchange you feel you won’t be able to submit your gift by the deadline please do let us know straight away by email or PM. We don’t yell, we just want to make sure that everyone who participates gets a gift.
To keep things fair, for participants, pinch-hitters, and your mods, if you don’t submit by the deadline a pinch-hitter will automatically be assigned. If you submit by the agreed extension date the pinch-hit will be a community gift. If you don’t submit by the extension then whatever you create will not be posted as part of the exchange and the gift for you will be reassigned as a community gift. We’ll still love you, but please be considerate of your fellow bar members and mods - unlike Santa’s elves your mods can’t work logistical magic.
To take part please copy and paste the sign up form into a comment and fill it in. Instructions are behind the cut.
Comments are screened to keep them anonymous. After the sign up deadline of 09:00 GMT Saturday 15th October we will do a public post of all the requests making them anonymous. You then reply to that post with your top three picks of which requests you’d like to create for. (There will be more information on this in the requests post.)
You’re not guaranteed your choices, but we will be using these to match you up as best we can and will keep to your choices as much as possible. We aim to match everyone up in the best combinations possible, but we make no guarantees of perfection! Please feel free to include lots of info in your sign up form; it actually makes things easier, both for matching and for whoever gets you as an assignment.
Once matching has been done you will receive your assignment by email. We’ll provide information closer to the time on how to submit your gifts, which will be by email to the community email address. Remember, this is an anonymous exchange!
For questions: there’s a thread at the top of this post that we will keep un-screening the comments on so we can chat.
Copy and paste into a comment to this post:
Gift Type: Prompts: Yes please: No thank you: Canon Preference: TO GIVE
Gift Type: I’d like to: I’d rather not: Absolutely Not: Canon Preference: INSTRUCTIONS
Email: your email address, even if you've given it to use before so we know if what we have is up to date
Gift Type: this can be FIC or GIFT BASKET or EITHER. If you would like a gift basket you can say if you’d prefer art, a fanmix, icons etc but this is not guaranteed.
Prompts: prompt at LEAST 3 ideas and no more than 6 that you would like. This can be anything! Winter kisses or fireside cuddles, SHIELD missions or Avengers battles, domestic fluff or silly antics, AU ideas or crossovers… Past Secret Santas and the promptathon posts can be helpful if you get stuck. If you really don’t mind what you get then feel free to say so, but you still need to give at least 3 prompts so that if in doubt your giftee has something to work with
Yes please: a brief list of things that you like that aren’t as specific as a prompt, like genres, kissing, other characters, banter etc. Your gift giver isn’t obliged to use them, but it can help give them some ideas. Again please don’t just say ‘I don’t mind’, instead say something like ‘feel free to create whatever you like, but some ideas of things you could include are…’ For example: if you like the comics or just the movies, any other characters you’d like to be included, what genre of fic you like…
No thank you: Anything that you really do not want, such as character death, angst, fluff, background pairings that you actively dislike, music that you can’t stand (f you’re asking for a fanmix), anything that might be triggering for you etc. (Feel free to specify if some things are just a rather not and some are no-way, not-ever.)
Canon Preference: would you prefer your gift to be: based in canon / canon murky (eg Clint/Laura/Natasha, Civil War happened differently) / canon divergent (eg Laura exists but isn’t with Clint, or Clint has a relationship with Natasha before or after Laura, some aspect of the films didn’t happen) / canon denial (the farm and Laura don’t exist, or after a specific film ignore all canon) / forget canon (I’m here for AUs ) / MCU and comics mashed up / I really don’t mind any of these / some combination of these or anything else we may have missed out!
Gift Type: this can be FIC or GIFT BASKET or EITHER. If you’d like to create something specific for a gift basket (such as a fanmix, vid, wallpaper) do let us know.
I’d like to: genres, background characters, ideas etc that you’d like to create, that you’d feel comfortable creating, that you would be really happy to have assigned to you! Would you be happy writing from the comics, or just the films, or mixing them up? Are you comfortable writing AUs? Are sexy times your thing or missions or hilarity?
I’d rather not: Things that you don’t really like to create or feel uncomfortable with, like a background character you don’t feel confident in writing or a genre that isn’t your strength
Absolutely Not: Things that are an absolute no for you, such as anything triggering, character death, things that you will not do. (You may get a request that has something it in from your ‘rather not’ section that you can ignore, because the request has other prompts in it or because it’s not a deal breaker for the requester, but these are things that we will make sure you don’t get in your assignment if we can absolutely help it. Please don’t use this for general dislikes that go on forever or lines in the sand; it’s the no-way, no-how, not-evers.)
Post Age of Ultron Preference: would you prefer your gift to be: based in canon / canon murky (eg Clint/Laura/Natasha, Civil War happened differently) / canon divergent (eg Laura exists but isn’t with Clint, or Clint has a relationship with Natasha before or after Laura, some aspect of the films didn’t happen) / canon denial (the farm and Laura don’t exist, or after a specific film ignore all canon) / forget canon (I’m here for AUs ) / MCU and comics mashed up / I really don’t mind any of these / some combination of these or anything else we may have missed out!
Okay then. HERE WE GO