The 2015 Clint/Natasha AU Exchange

Jun 05, 2015 17:19

Hello, best and brightest bar! Our ATTF for today is something fun and a little different, so get ready...because your mods are super excited and happy to announce the first CLINT/NATASHA AU EXCHANGE!

What is an AU?

An AU (alternate universe/alternate reality) is a fic trope in which canonical facts, settings, circumstances or characterizations are deliberately changed. AUs can be written in a variety of ways, from changing the outcome of a story, to keeping characterizations but changing the setting, to putting your characters in a different situation completely. You wanna write Clint/Nat in a world where AoU never happened? Go for it! You want to write Clint/Nat as owners of a saloon in the early 20th century, where maybe Laura shows up for kicks? Go for that, too! The sky's the limit in what you can explore.

How This Works:

Sometime tomorrow, we'll open a sign-up post with screened comments (don't worry, there will be a form for you to fill out, as usual.) We'll then list all the sign-ups as anon in another post with screened comments, and we'll ask everyone pick no more than three requests that they'd like to be matched with, in order of preference. We apologize if this process sounds slightly complicated, but since AU requests tend to be specific and there are a lot of varying opinions about the state of our assassins post-AoU, we want to make sure everyone who decides to participate gets matched with something that they'd be comfortable writing about.

Fics should be a minimum of 1000 words. Also, since this isn't an anon exchange, feel free to talk about your assignments/ideas if you'd like.

As per usual, please remember that the normal comm rules apply.

**AS A REFRESHER, we invite you to remind yourself of our post AoU stance. Any questions, PM us!**


Sign-ups will open tomorrow, June 6 and stay open until Thursday, June 11 at midnight ET. The list of choices will be posted on the comm Friday, June 12 and you will have until Wednesday, June 17 to comment with your preferences. We will send out matching by Sunday, June 21.


Fics will be due last week of July, and we'll provide more information on specific dates as we get closer. We'll also be posting a sign-up sheet mid-July for posting dates. Choose your date and then post your fic to the community (and AO3, or wherever else!) at that time!

Feel free to use this post to squee, ask questions, share ideas or even start writing about things that you might want to explore. This should be a really fun way to get your brains working for promptathon, among other things. :) Have fun!

beware the squee, admin stuff, all the things friday, au exchange 2015

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