ATTF: Drabble Me

Sep 27, 2013 00:52

Do you dabble in drabbles? Are your stories commonly under a thousand words? Have you ever succeeded in writing out a complete story idea in less than 24 hours ( Read more... )

prompts are a thing we do, friday is a day for all the things, all the things friday

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now I lay me down to sleep, PG-13, warning: mentions of canon-level violence sweetwatersong September 29 2013, 19:54:41 UTC
So this turned out more angst than I think you wanted... Sorry.

now I lay me down to sleepHe's strong. Fuck, he's smart and fast and can crawl down a ventilation shaft in fifteen seconds, over a barbed wire fence in three. He knew how to withstand torture long before SHIELD got their claws in him, dragged him into a world where he does the hunting instead of being hunted. Broken bones, broken promises, broken people; in the dark nights he makes them, shapes them them, shakes them. His fingers have taken lives, blows, counts of corpses on the floors. And Clint’s strong, he can do that, but living with it - living with it is another thing entirely ( ... )


Re: now I lay me down to sleep, PG-13, warning: mentions of canon-level violence crazy4orcas September 29 2013, 22:52:46 UTC
I'm not sorry about the angst either, this was hauntingly beautiful. Thank you!


Re: now I lay me down to sleep, PG-13, warning: mentions of canon-level violence sweetwatersong September 30 2013, 23:42:57 UTC
Thank you! :) (In a happier turn, you can imagine Coulson clambering into bed with them to cuddle as well... which has just spawned a whole new idea. Huh.)


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