Promptathon Submissions: The Rules!

Jul 17, 2013 07:55

Hello everyone! The time for submissions to the Clint/Natasha Promptathon is fast approaching. Please cast your eyes over our rules!

How to post:
1.  Respond in a comment to the prompt you are filling.
2.  Make sure to label your submission in the subject line with the type of fanwork (fic/icon/artwork/vid/fanmix/etc.) + the title.  For example:

"FIC: 5 Times Clint and Natasha Were Awesome Badass Asaassinpeople (and One Time They Were Extra-Awesome), rated: M, no warnings"

When filling in the subject line, you may need to view the comm in it's original style (if you don't already). Just make sure you can see a subject line when responding with your submission.

3. Be sure to leave ratings and warnings (if any) in the subject line. (See example above.)  Help us out and make sure folks know what they're clicking on. Thoughtfulness = LOVE.  <3333  If the ratings or the warnings won't fit in the subject line, just leave them at the top of your post.

4.  Try and post the entire work in the comment (if it's short enough), or if not, post a link. I'm all about one-stop shopping whenever possible, so try and post in the main promptathon post if the length allows.  Also, if it is too long to post in the promptathon post, consider posting the first section as a teaser and then a link (b/c that's alwasy fun too.)  Either way, be sure to label your post in the subject line as described above (**points to rule #2**).

5. Please put anything NSFW under a cut or link.

6. Put any spoilers for upcoming Marvel movies under a cut or link with an appropriate warning.

If you miss the submission cut-off date, you can always post directly to the comm, but let's wait a couple of days first. I don't want to get flooded with new posts right out of the gate.  For now, let's try and keep all of the action at the actual promptathon post.

Got all of that? You still have a bit of time to post prompts! Get those last few prompts in before submissions open!

promptathon, admin stuff, really important stuff

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