FIC: The Hawk and the Spider (5/6) (for nessataleweaver) - PG-13

Dec 31, 2012 21:23

Title: The Hawk and the Spider (5/6)
Author: sgteam14283
A Gift For: nessataleweaver
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, violence
Pairings: Clint/Natasha
Summary/Prompt Used: As a bounty hunter, Clint never let it get personal. Then he met Natasha./ steampunk/western (historical) promts filled.
Authors Notes: really had fun writing this since I love steampunk but since it was also a Western I made it so that steampunk wasn't so saturated in the outer territories, but they still used all that awesome stuff. Also I tried to make everything as accurate as possible. Don't own anything, I just have fun playing in the sandbox!

Chapter Five

The next time he woke it was pitch black and the fire was dying. Remembering the pain from last time, Clint took his time in sitting up. It was still painful but not as much as the first. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a figure besides his pallet and could tell from the slender form that it was Natasha. Confusion ran through his mind; he still had no idea where they were or who had helped them. Determined to get some answers, Clint made up his mind to get out and figure out his surroundings.

However, his legs were still weak so he was able to stand for five seconds before collapsing. Letting out a grunt of pain as he fell, Clint heard Natasha move instantly and say, “Clint?”

“Yeah?” he gritted out through his clenched teeth.

“Hold on a second.” She said while moving away from him. He heard the sound of gears turning and a match being struck, lighting a flame. She then moved the lantern closer and sighed, “Why did you try to get out of bed? You're still pretty weak.”

“Yeah, found that out the hard way.” Clint shot back as she helped him get back into bed. Sighing as he lay back down he then asked, “How long was I out?”

“Almost four weeks. Trick said if they hadn't seen me then you would've died.”

“Trick? He's here?” Clint asked, instantly awake with more questions flooding his mind. “When...How...Why?”

Natasha shook her head, “I can't tell you. All he said was that he needed to speak to you.” Moving closer to him she said, “Clint...I-I need to tell you something.”


“I...” Natasha trailed off, biting her lip and glancing away. She wanted to tell him point blank that she'd fallen for him and she didn't want him to turn her into Fury (or anyone else for that matter). But she just couldn't. “I'm glad that you didn't die.”

Clint looked into her eyes and felt like that wasn't what she had really wanted to say but didn't want to push her. The ice around his heart had been thawing since meeting her and for the first time since Katie felt like she was someone who he could truly care about. It scared him that he was feeling this way because if he actually followed through then all kinds of rules would be broken and he'd be done in the business. “Well, I'm glad that I didn't die either, that'd put a kink in my plan to become the best bounty hunter in the country.” he said, brushing all those thoughts aside; he could deal with them later. Right now he just wanted to see Trick.

“Since I'm up, mind taking me to see Trick?” he asked while plastering on his trademark smile, the one that never failed to work.

Natasha just raised an eyebrow and shook her head, “Not until you're stronger. Now go back to sleep.”

“I've been sleeping for four weeks, I think that I've slept enough.” Clint stated as Natasha turned off the lantern and plunged them back into darkness.



“Go to sleep.”

“Yes, ma'am.”


“Oh c'mon Tasha, I'm an adult. I can do it myself.” Clint groused as he brushed aside her attempts to help him dress. It had been six days since he'd regained consciousness and he was itching to get out of the tent and to see Trick-the man still hadn't come to see him and Clint was concerned.

“Fine.” Natasha huffed, folding her arms across her chest and giving him an exasperated look. “But don't come crying to me when you can't get your pants on.”

“Well maybe you can help me take them off.” Clint blurted as he finished buttoning his shirt. Realizing what he'd just said, he paused and looked up to see Natasha staring at him. “I-uh...” he trailed off, not sure how to backtrack.

“Now I know you're feeling better.” Natasha shot back, rolling her eyes. They had fallen into an easy relationship, more like friends than anything else and it relived Natasha that it hadn't gone past that; she didn't think she could handle it if it did. Watching Clint get better had relieved her, she'd been truly afraid those first few days that he wouldn't make it. Sighing, she held out Clint's belt and waited for him to take it before speaking, “If you promise not to push yourself you can see Trick.”

“I didn't know I needed your permission to see my friend but thank you.” Clint responded once he finished dressing. Brushing his fingers through his hair he then slipped his hat on and took a deep breath, preparing himself to get up. It took all of his strength not to fall when he finally stood and Clint took a few hesitant steps. “See, I didn't ne-whoa!” he started to say when his knees suddenly buckled and he started towards the ground.

Natasha reacted instantly and caught him before he landed on the hard ground. “You okay?” she asked while helping him stand again.

“Yeah, my knees just wanted to kiss the ground again.” Clint replied, his pounding heart easing a little.

“You were always stubborn.”

Clint looked towards the flap at the sound of the familiar voice and grinned. “Trick.” he said, slowly moving towards the man. “It's been too long.”

“It has Hawkeye.” Trick said as he embraced arms with Clint. “A lot's changed since you left, for both of us.”

“You're farther south than normal.” Clint remarked as they slowly made their way through the camp. Life was going on in front of them and Clint couldn't help but notice how thin everyone looked, which worried him. These people had saved his life in more way than one and he felt closer to them than anyone in his life-even Phil. He didn't want what was happening to the rest of the Plains Indians to happen to them.

“We go where the bison are.” Trick simply responded, starting straight in front of them. “They head farther south because of the railroad, you know how it is.” He then glanced at Clint while continuing, “I had a feeling you'd be back and knew I had to guide you back to your correct path.”

“My correct path? What are you talking about Trick?”

“You're meant to do more than catch people for a living Hawkeye.” Trick paused and turned to look at Clint. “There'll come a time where the fate of the world hangs on your shoulders and both of you need to be ready.”

“Both of us?” Clint echoed, raising an eyebrow. “Natasha and myself?”

“It wasn't chance that brought the two of you together.”

“Whoa, hold it for a second.” Clint said as he stopped abruptly. “Are you saying that Tasha and I are connected?” He looked at Trick for a moment before raising an eyebrow and continuing, “ much aether have you had? 'Cause seriously, that stuff'll fry your brain if your not careful.”

Trick just shook his head, “Think about it Hawk, why'd you accept this mission to Dakota? Why didn't Natasha run when you were wounded? Take that leap of faith.”

“Last time I had faith I got a bullet in my back.” Clint shot back, not liking the points his friend was bringing up. He didn't want to admit it but the older man was right, there were times when Clint felt there was something bigger in the works.

“She seems happy.” Trick nodded to a scene in the distance and Clint glanced over to see that Natasha was playing with the children in a game of lacrosse. He couldn't help but smile when she performed a flip in order to avoid crashing into another player and the younger children watching shouted in surprise-she made it look so easy. Laughing, she quickly passed the ball to another player and looked in their direction. Spotting them, she smiled softly and quickly looked away-joining back in the game. “It's been a long time since she's been like this.”

“She talked to you?” Clint asked, unable to ask the surprise from his voice. Hell, he didn't even know what she'd done in order to get such a bounty placed on her head.

Trick gave Clint a smile that told the other man that he knew more than he was letting on, “You talked to me. Don't worry Hawk, when the time comes she'll open up.”

Clint stood where he was while Trick walked away, thoughts swirling around in his head. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed and turned around to head back towards their lodgings; he'd had enough excitement for one day.

Natasha shaded her eyes against the sun and watched Clint as he walked away from her. She wondered what Trick had mentioned to Clint, how much he'd told him. She still couldn't get her mind around the fact that he'd said they were meant for bigger things. Not sure what think, she focused on the game, entertaining the younger ones with performing flips and rolls that to anyone else would seem impossible but to her was as natural as breathing.


The arrow whistled through the air and shattered the glass target Clint had set up. He was testing out a new brand of arrowheads he'd gotten before setting out but hadn't had a chance to try out until now. Reloading, he took the time to go over the finger controls-he needed to arm the arrow in an instant during combat so he had to memorize the correct combination to get it; otherwise he might not be so lucky.

Letting the arrow go he heard movement behind him. Reacting out of instinct, Clint drew a knife and turned around in the same instant-ready to throw it. He paused halfway through the throw when he saw it was Natasha. “Goddamn it Tasha, don't sneak up on me like that.” He growled, turning away to face the targets.

Natasha raised an eyebrow, “Really? I've been standing behind you for twenty minutes. I only let you hear me to tell you that you missed dinner.”

Clint glanced to her hands to see she was holding two bowls of stew and felt his face heat up slightly. Turning away so Natasha couldn't see it he let go another arrow while saying, “I'll be done in a minute.”

“Good because my arms are getting tired.” Natasha said as she sat down on the log that Clint had dragged over when he first arrived at the spot.

Closing his eyes and turning to face her, Clint shot the last arrow in his bow and knew from the sound of glass breaking that he'd hit the target. Lowering the bow, Clint plastered a grin on his face while giving her a mock bow. “Let me get the arrows.”

“You're a show-off you know that!” Natasha teased as he walked away.

“So are you!” Clint called towards her. Walking towards the targets, Clint quickly gathered the fallen arrows and put them back in his quiver; he didn't like to waste arrows if he could help it.

Straightening up, he was glad at how quickly he was getting back to normal, it had been almost two weeks since he had woken up from his injuries and a week since his conversation with Trick. And as much as Clint wanted to linger here, he knew that they were already overdue and if they stayed much longer then Fury would be getting anxious. He'd seen the man get anxious before and didn't want to relive the experience again. Clint figured that they'd leave either tomorrow or the day after that and push to get to the Fort-it was a straight shot to the river and after crossing it they'd be there within half a day.

He just wasn't sure how to tell Tasha that they'd be leaving soon, she seemed to enjoy it here and didn't want to ruin that any time soon; but deep down he knew he had to. Quickly setting the bow and quiver against the opposite side of the log, Clint joined Natasha and they ate while watching the sunset. The stew was hearty, if lacking more meat than he had remembered but still good the same.

Feeling a bit cold, Natasha moved towards Clint for warmth and leaned her head against his. Clint was slightly surprised at the movement but didn't oppose it, he shifted and put an arm around her so that she'd be more comfortable. “We should join the others around the fire.” he said after a moment.

“We should.” Natasha agreed as the last of the sun disappeared, but neither moved.

As the stars appeared in the night sky, Natasha broke the silence again, “Who was Katie?”

The question startled Clint and he raised an eyebrow, “Sorry?”

“When you were kept calling out for her. Who was she?”

Clint was silent, not ready to dredge up that part of his past quite yet. Especially to someone like Natasha. “Must have been someone I met during the War, not really sure.” Not wanting to discuss the matter further, he got up and slinging the quiver onto his shoulder said, “We'll be leaving tomorrow.” Clint then walked away without waiting for a response.

Natasha watched Clint walk away and was confused by his sudden frosty demeanor. “Back to the original plan then.” she thought to herself as she made her own way back towards the camp.

fanwork: au, fanwork: angst, secret santa 2012, fanwork: first meeting

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