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Comments 6

luckystar37 January 23 2009, 18:33:49 UTC
Hi & thanks for joining! Could you please put your survey under a cut? And don't forget to add your tags :)


luckystar37 January 28 2009, 20:55:05 UTC
Thanks for putting your survey under a cut, but your tags don't follow the guidelines. I try to keep this place pretty simple, so if you read the FAQ and !join post and fix your tags accordingly, it would help me out :)


laura_isaac January 28 2009, 21:00:23 UTC
Done and done. (According to the FAQ post)

Sorry bout that.


luckystar37 January 28 2009, 21:02:25 UTC
thank you so much :) I felt really bad about messaging you again (wasn't trying to harass you :) )


ravensgurl211 January 24 2009, 05:44:05 UTC
There is a fandom for Repo!??! I am vastly amused. .... and oddly frightened.


laura_isaac January 24 2009, 09:58:43 UTC
...why are you frightened? I mean most of them are idiots, but there's a few that are sane. Just like most fandom really. x.x


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