How to Join, How to Post, How to Know What's What Here at bday_fics

Nov 13, 2008 13:48

bday_fics  is open to everyone.  There is open membership.  Once you join, please fill out the member survey.  Add your own tags including your LJ name with a & before it.  List the fandoms you are interested in.

Based on the method of keeping track previously used in our affiliated community, bday_packages , here is how members' giving and receiving will be organized:
  • Once a month, I'll post upcoming birthdays.  You can always check ahead for yourself here.
  • When you post a fic, include in the tags and the post who the fic is for as well as your user name. 
  • On the upcoming birthdays calendar, there will be a star (*) next to the names of members who have written fic for another member in the past 12 months. 
There is no guarantee that you will get a fic just for being a member.  Hopefully this community will run according to plan and everyone will be happy.  If you write fic for others, though, there is a more likely chance that others will want to write fic for you.  The point is to make people smile on their birthdays.  And if that happens, then you get good karma at the very least :)

A few rules & etiquette:
  • Fics should be no less than 100 words.  More is perfectly wonderful! Please pay attention to the ratings prefered in the member survey.
  • Please always thank those who write you a fic.
  • This should go without saying, but this is a drama free zone. No wank, no flaming, no drama of any kind will be tolerated.
  • At this time, I don't mind if fics are linked. Some people perfer keeping their feedback all in one place, and I understand that.  Just don't link a closed or flocked post, please. And please still post full headers in this community.
  • Present posts should be locked to members. When you post, please set the Adult Content according to the rating of your fic.

In the subject line, post the title and fandom.  In the post put:
From: (your username)
To: (their username)

Add anythings else you like, such as summary, notes, etc... but please make sure to always include those 5 things.

!modpost, !join

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