[ The first time anyone has seen Naraku since before the water event. The video is in the area near the Devil's Nest, and Naraku is standing over a slain bear-like creature, who appeared to have been asphyxiated and impaled in several places by a large, sharp objects; there are holes bored clear through the creature and out the other side. ]This
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...Rin-san. Let it go.
Better an animal than a person.
It doesn't matter if it's an animal or a person! He probably tortured it and that's not okay!!
Dammit, Rin! [Fuck suffixes. She means business.] Of course it's not okay! But what's done is done. You can't change it. And I will sooner kill you myself than let you do something stupid like go after him.
... Fine. But someone has to show him he can't do those things to animals or people.
I know that. Believe me, I know it. But not now. He's too strong, right now.
[It's why her number on priority is killing Naraku. Destroying him.]
Cause that's what I'll be doing, regardless of when I go to kick his ass.
What do you think I've been doing the whole time I've been in this place? [But the rhetoric is solemn.]
[She's going to correct him. She has to correct him. There's no way she's letting him go--let alone go by himself. But she knows that saying "no, when I go to kick his ass will not help anything.]
You mean when we go to kick his ass. When we're ready. Which is when I say so, alright? Promise me that. I'm not letting you run in there to get yourself killed. You don't know the full extent of what he can do.
[She hopes he knows just how much it says that she's willing to make this concession and at least try to uphold it.]
[ Rin wasn't the first one to jump for team work, but he wouldn't deny it given it was Sango telling him to listen, and that this was Naraku, not Lucifer. ]
I'll promise when you do. Cause I'm not going to get myself killed.
[She hates to make this promise, because she knows she's going to break it. In that instant, she hates Naraku just a little more (if that's even possible) for making her someone who breaks promises.]
...I promise.
[ They're both liars then, because Rin still will probably go off on his own.
Without telling Sango of course. ]
Then I promise.
...you know, talking to him will only make you angrier. It doesn't help anything.
[She's such a hypocrite. Sob.]
Stop worrying about me. I've got this under control.
[ With that though he turns off the feed. ]
[She mutters it only briefly, thinking that if he has the guts to break that promise, she's going to kill him again a second time the moment he wakes up. (Hypocrisy at its finest.)]
[Rin is wrong. No one has this under control. That's the part that's terrifying.]
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