the fleece legacy : the first installment.

Feb 09, 2011 01:25


hello and welcome to my first legacy!

and here is my founder, Reiss Fleece! yes, it is called the Fleece legacy because it rhymes;
i'm unimaginative, hopefully you can get used to it :P

Reiss' stats. She's a money-loving Cancer sim , with the ltw to be the top in the athletic career
...which is kindof a bummer cos i really don't like that ltw
but hey ho!
She's into creative, blonde types, as long as they're not zombified
and she's straight.

have a few pictures of her home in Mariana Belles. i think it's absolutely adorable ><
she had about $2,000 left after building/furnishing this place.
picspam time!

and there you go, that's Reiss' humble abode for now.

so, time to get on with the story.
the paperboy comes along and Reiss, being eager to meet new people, scurries outside to greet him.
he stays until around 10 o'clock, apparently skiving school in order to stare at Reiss' breasts...

back inside, Reiss decides to prepare some lunch meat sandwiches just incase some townies 
stop by to welcome her to her new neighbourhood.

and what do you know? as soon as the sandwiches had hit the plates, the welcome wagon turned up.
it consisted of my very own Rosamund, who lives nearby, and two townies.

then i spotted this, and was mildly offended on Rosamund's behalf.
i happen to think she's quite cute actually, townie. a fair bit better-looking than yourself anyway
so there!

Rosamund didn't seem to be too bothered, and instantly complimented Reiss on her good looks.
i love Reiss' shy, bashful face, i think she's adorable.
i just want to squeeze her!

whilst the ladies are being sociable, the men decide to gather in the bathroom 
and get pissed off about whose turn it is to go pee-pee.
sims *rolls eyes*
how they even managed to fit two of them in that bathroom is beyond me.
it's tiny; there wasn't even enough room for me to take a photo in it properly!

i took this picture for the sole purpose of showing what fails my sims are.
they went on like this for ages. i don't understand how they can
gain fitness enthusiasm from dropping a ball time and time again.

and yay! our first PT walkby; Abraham Bee-Cream by charterzard, looking all sultry and seductive.
i did have Reiss invite him in, and they had one bolt, but i was looking for a little more than that, sadly

soon, Reiss decided to head off over to the nearby Valleyside complex to scope out the local talent.
Firstly, she visited the Valleyside Gamestation, to see if any hot nerds were a-lurking.

at this point i'd like to apologise for the overload of beautiful sims custody of rhiannon_alexis and xie_belle
(not that it bothers me to have all this pretty in my game of course)
 i was just managing to sort out what sims belonged to who, and had only
just put some in my game.
so most of these are by those two creators haha.

downstairs, we have (l-r) Scotty by lil-pixiedevil, the back of Tea by rhiannon_alexis' head, and Thulium by xie_belle.
and upstairs, Xanthic by xie_belle was chilling with Odette Mistletoe and Estella by rhiannon_alexis.

Reiss heads off to mingle, and ends up chatting to Scotty.
they get along fairly well but, again, only have one bolt.
sad face :(

so Reiss decides to broaden her horizons and heads over to chat up Xanthic. 
she likes a man who makes her laugh.

however, she wasn't quite sure if she'd spent enough time looking for her soulmate
and wasn't certain if she was going to find him at the Gamestation.
so it was time for her to head off to the Cafe to grab a coffee,
and possibly a mate at the same time!

Reiss was surprised to find Xanthic already at the Cafe, despite having just left him at Gamestation.
was it fate?
However, she was soon distracted by all the other gorgeous sims she was surrounded by, namely Albatross by fivesims,
Jam October by  charterzard, and...

... Scone and Cotton Candy by rhiannon_alexis.

After taking a scope round the room, Reiss knew that Xanthic was her best option.
She grabbed some salad, hoping that he would join her downstairs so they could
get to know each other.

But it was Albatross who came to sit with her. To her surprise, he was very easy to talk to.
Not her type, but certainly friend-material! She found herself pouring her heart
out to him, about how all she wanted was to settle down and have a family
(as well as a big house, lots of money and a top job in the athletic career...)

After listening to Albatross' advice about taking things slowly and not settling for the
first man you see, Reiss decided to head home to catch some beauty sleep.
But someone caught her eye...
And she certainly caught his!
(this was the first thing he did when he came on the lot <3)

After taking a moment to gather herself, our blushing heroine hurried upstairs after
her new crush. She couldn't wait to find out who he was, or why he seemed so smitten
with her after having only just set eyes on her!

Once she was face-to-face with him, however, all she managed to do was mumble about her
love for art and creativity.
But she needn't have worried. He came to her rescue, telling her how
he thought she was beautiful, and that her timidity was adorable.

Reiss was dazed, but once she had awoken from her trance, her knight in shining
armour was nowhere to be seen!
She hadn't even gotten his name.
Had it been a dream? Was it all over? Would she ever see him again?

Reiss had a restless sleep that night. She was worried.
What an awful start to her legacy!
One potential love, and she didn't even know his name.
She didn't even have a job yet, and could hardly survive
on such little money for long...

Reiss woke at around half one, feeling determined.
She made herself some macaroni cheese, and decided to start improving her skills.
Even if it didn't help her find a man, it would surely help her find a job!

And what better place to go than the gym?

Unfortunately, Reiss' choice of equipment may have been rather more painful
than she hoped...
She'd better not go smashing up that pretty face before she's had a chance to produce
pretty babies!!

(Please ignore the fact that the wallpaper is missing, i forgot i'd deleted it - oopsee!)

Reiss was mortified. Looking round, she saw Xanthic laughing at her.
And to think she'd thought of him as a possible spouse!
Could things get any worse?

Apparently so.

Thankfully, not everyone was so insensitive to Reiss' troubles. Oscar Blue by panda_michie came
over to introduce himself.

Once her head had stopped spinning, Reiss took a proper look at Oscar.
And she was glad she had! He was gorgeous.

However, as soon as she tried to speak to him, it was clear he didn't feel the same :(

So Reiss left. She walked for what seemed like ages, and found herself on the darker, edgier side of town.
But she was too down to care. Spying a dingy-looking bar, she decided to get a drink.

Somehow, it was morning again. Reiss decided to introduce herself to two of the ladies
(Eve by dorkasaur and Jules Summerlove by snapun) in the bar.
If she couldn't find a man, after all, she might as well make friends.
Besides, who knows, maybe they would know who her mystery man was!

After chatting for a while, Reiss worked up the courage to ask Eve if she knew her man.
Eve thought for a moment then told Reiss that yes, she thought it was Teddy Ugries (by rhiannon_alexis).
She even gave Reiss his number!

Overjoyed, Reiss headed home with a little hope.
Would he be the one for her? Or had all her despair been for nothing?

bbyclawz, pixel-trade, fleece legacy

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