RPF:Moments in Time (Jonas/Lucy)

Jan 03, 2008 11:56

I'm new here... hi! (though I've lurked  for a while)

Not entirely sure how LJ works yet (i'm new!)..... I hope the LJ cut thing works ok.

Title: Moments in Time
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG 13 (let me no if it isn't I'm new to this, actually maybe its higher.... whats the next one up?)
Pairing(s): Lucy/Jonas
Summary: As the title said, a series of moments in time, connected loosely, no time frame, no cronology really, just totally random.
Disclaimer: Its fictional! Complete fiction merely based loosely on real people... Its all made up. And the Robin Hood bit is owned by the beeb. They own my soul

Notes: Don't hurt me! I'm new to this. I thought i'd be brave and post this one shot, because, unfortunately for me this pairing is taking over my life!!!! and I needed to do SOMETHING to make me feel better after the season finale so this was it. I hope you don't have an issue with the disjointed nature of it...i'm really nervous actually...

Spoilers for s2ep13

Moments in Time

When he first met her, he knew. It felt right.
When she first touched him, it was electric. Here’s to six happy months in Budapest, they both thought.

He sits beside her at the read-through and they laugh. They bounce of each other. Well cast. Pat on the back.

They know. Of course they know, but they don’t know they know, and they don’t know each other knows, so for now it stays under wraps. So when his arm is slung casually behind her, his thumb discretely caressing her lower back, so to look inconspicuous, everyone thinks nobody else knows. How naïve.

Two endings: one if it’s commissioned, one if it isn’t. They say they will film both. He wants it to be re-commissioned. Of course he does. Six more blissful, secluded months. That would be lovely… just lovely.
But then he reads the ending, and he can almost hear his heart break. No warning. Not from her, nor from anyone. He wants to confront her, there and then, but he doesn’t because a part of him knows it has nothing to do with her.
He doesn’t want it to be re-commissioned any more. Six months without her is pointless.

‘We have forever, my love.’ No we don’t. That’s a barefaced lie.
‘I hope we have forever in heaven because we didn’t have enough time on Earth.’ She’s struggling.
The tears he cries are more real then any he’s ever shed, which, considering he’s supposed to be in character, is rather ironic.

She slithers into his room that night.
They sleep together, literally, sleep together. Naked. No Funny business, just naked sleep.
When she sleeps, he watches her, and this is where it gets descriptive.
He face is pressed against his shoulder and an arm is thrown across his chest. Her bare skin is soft and warm against his and a smile plays on the corner of her lips.
‘Who needs sex?’ He thinks to himself. He has never felt better in his life. About anything.
He reaches across and lightly caresses her back. Her skin is so soft and smooth as he strokes her, so gently, just up and down her back.
She presses a sleepy kiss on his shoulder and her fingers clench into a fist against his chest, as if grabbing for a shirt that isn’t there. She dreams.
His hand traces her curves. She is perfect. In every way, perfect. Beyond perfect. He caresses her with the dexterity of experience he hasn’t actually got, at least not at this sort of thing. His hands take her in. He wants to remember her, the feel of her. They return home soon, but he wants to remember.
His fingers move over her shoulders to her neck and collarbone, and try to memorise her shape, the feel of her skin. Her hand makes another grab at her chest. Her nails sing into his skin. She’s got him and it feels indescribable, a bizarre combination of pain and something thoroughly more enjoyable. He jerks and his hand ‘slips’ to settle in the valley between her breasts.
‘Jonas?’ She says, crossly. She’s thoroughly awake. He knows she isn’t cross. She’s smiling.
‘That hurt’ he says, in mock despair. Her grin turns hellish.
‘Did it now?’ She digs her nails in harder. His back arches.
‘You were dreaming’ he manages, breathlessly, ‘What of?’
‘Oh, I think you can guess.’ She says. He laughs.
No funny business was about to get a lot more fun.

'She’s a joy to work with, among other things’ He meant it.

‘Seriously though, Luce,’ Joe says in passing, ‘Who’s the better kisser? Jonas or Richard?’ She pauses, pretending to be thinking.
‘Honestly?’ She glances at him, smiling, ‘Would have to be Richard.’ She laughs.
‘You’ll pay for that one, missy!’

They are running across the sand. He catches her up and grabs her. She falls and he tumbles in her wake. She’s close… too close…
‘That better have been a joke, Lucy Marian Griffiths…’ he gasps ‘or you really will pay.’
She smiles seductively.
God help him if he can’t help himself.

The waves encircle her bare ankles. She shivers. It’s cold.

His hand slides from her hand and his arm slips around her back. His body is gentle and comforting.
His smile warms her from the inside out.
When he kisses her, the chill evaporates, and yet his warmth sends a cool shiver down her spine.

His heart aches, completely, every hour, every day
And only when he’s with her does the pain go away.

The truth is, she can’t sleep for thinking of him, and she can’t turn a corner without hoping he’ll be there.


please R&R!
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