This is a signup for the August 22 issue; the deadline for the issue is August 16. Please comment here if you plan to submit a story or artwork for this issue. Artists should specify whether you're submitting a standalone piece, offering to illustrate a story, or both. Artists offering to illustrate should provide either links to or thumbnails of
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Website + tumblr sketch blog
I just redid my website, so I apologize if anything is wonky!
I don't suppose there's a story you'd like to see written? A picture in your head that begs for words? . . . that happens to fit this Teacher theme?
I'm actually horrible with coming up with ideas off the cuff, haha. Since the theme can be interpreted super loosely, though, I'm curious as to where your thoughts were going? It seems we actually share a number of interests, so I'd probably enjoy drawing for whatever you settled to write about!
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