Prospective participants list for Bang*Bang Artist Special #1

May 01, 2011 12:53

This is a signup for the September 18 September 19 issue, which is going to be a special issue dedicated to showing off the works of the visual artists in the community. Illustrations, sketches, doodles, sequential images, comics, manga -- they'll be the order of the day!

There are two deadlines for this issue: the later of the two, September 13, ( Read more... )

signup, art

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drmoonpants May 1 2011, 20:41:58 UTC
Yeah, okay, writer here offering any manga/comic services that might be needed: idea, script, script doctor, etc. However completely or minorly you might need! My story submission catalog is here. ...And, uh, I promise that if contracted to work on someone else's ideas I would be much more diligent than I have sometimes seemed with my own lately. \(._.)/


fightfair May 19 2011, 21:44:36 UTC
Hi there! I was wondering if you'd like to collaborate with me on a sort of short, simple story (4-5 pages at max)? I know it's difficult to fit an entire story in the expanse of 4-5 pages of panelling though... Something brief, something open-ended, something more abstract, I'm guessing? It's certainly something my writing skills can't provide, haha.

I've done a couple illustrations for stories at S2B2 here, and I've done one for Imaginary Beasts here? There's also the ever common dA gallery and a tumblr account as well.

If you don't have time, though, don't worry about it!


drmoonpants May 20 2011, 02:02:17 UTC
I'd love to! Man you do lovely work, may I also say. Email me (arlierma at should work) and let me know what general idea you're thinking?


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