Prospective participants list for Bang*Bang Artist Special #1

May 01, 2011 12:53

This is a signup for the September 18 September 19 issue, which is going to be a special issue dedicated to showing off the works of the visual artists in the community. Illustrations, sketches, doodles, sequential images, comics, manga -- they'll be the order of the day!

There are two deadlines for this issue: the later of the two, September 13, ( Read more... )

signup, art

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ladysisyphus May 1 2011, 19:56:58 UTC
I'll be willing to do some writing! I work pretty quick, too, but I'm better for doing early-stage work than later-stage work, especially since I'm going to be editing everything that comes in at the first deadline.


quaedam May 1 2011, 20:23:13 UTC
May I leap on you and beg for the opportunity to properly illustrate one of your stories this time? I love all of your stories so much, and I'd love a chance to properly make up for not having finished the illustrations for the last story on time, I got...slightly overambitious in the number of drawings I thought I could do for the time I had, which was stupid of me, but I can get an early start on this. (I'm still going to finish the other drawings, as well. Really, they're mostly done, I just need to fix some parts of them that bother me.)


ladysisyphus May 1 2011, 20:32:59 UTC
Oh, absolutely! I'd be thrilled! Email is still ladysisyphus at livejournal, so drop me a line and let me know what you're thinking!

Yay, excited~


quaedam May 3 2011, 00:45:47 UTC
Awesome! :DDDD And I...will have to ask what you're thinking of too, because I didn't have anything in particular in mind yet? :D


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