2020 Themes and Dates

Nov 09, 2019 19:10

Next year will be here sooner than you think, so we're already getting ready with the 2020 schedule of issue themes, dates, and deadlines. If you want to make sure you don't miss a single one, click here for our Google calendar with the dates pre-loaded.

Feast your eyes on what's coming your way in the coming year:

Issue 83: Holy Rollers
* issue date: Monday, February 24
* text deadline: Tuesday, February 11
* art deadline: Saturday, February 22
Whether you prefer saints, sinners, or a nice mixture of the two, you can bet this issue will be heavenly.

Issue 84: Short Shorts
* issue date: Monday, April 27
* text deadline: Tuesday, April 14
* art deadline: Saturday, April 25
There's only one rule to this issue: All text submissions must clock in under 3000 words. Fix us your one perfect bite!

Issue 85: Once Upon a Time
* issue date: Monday, June 29
* text deadline: Tuesday, June 16
* art deadline: Saturday, June 27
Whether you're telling tales or living them, your coach awaits. (Just have it back by midnight.)

Issue 86: Concrete Jungle
* issue date: Monday, August 24
* text deadline: Tuesday, August 11
* art deadline: Saturday, August 22
Start spreading the news! It's the city-themed issue that never sleeps.

Issue 87: What Music They Make
* issue date: Monday, October 26
* text deadline: Tuesday, October 13
* art deadline: Saturday, October 24
Children of the night, rise from your eternal slumber and show up for our Halloweentide fright fest!

Issue 88: Theme Free
* issue date: Monday, December 21
* text deadline: Tuesday, December 8
* art deadline: Saturday, December 19
Nothing says "yay! we survived!" quite like our year-end, theme-free big bang issue. End 2020 doing what you love, and as much of it as you want.

Interested in doing a cover for one of these? We're looking for full-color, finished pieces with homosuggestive, if not downright homoerotic, themes. Looking back at the covers of our previous issues, you can see that they run the gamut from sweet to sexy, from serious to silly, and everything in-between. While the editorial staff will gladly opine if asked, what you do is pretty much up to you!

If you're game, send us an email at shousetsubangbang@gmail.com and list your top three theme choices. We can't promise that everyone will get everything they want, but we'll do our best.

Preference will be given to individuals who a) have been active participants in SSBB, and b) have not done a cover the previous year.


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