Bang*Bang no.55

Jun 22, 2015 08:12

cover by morgie


A beginner's guide to stealing home, by Hyakunichisou 13 (百日草 十三)

The Ultimate Competition (or the art of beating your rival), by Okamoto Shin (岡本辛)

True North, by SeishinNoUwagi (精神の上着) *

The Hail Mary, by Takiguchi Aiko (滝口アイコ)

The Hidden Play, by Domashita Romero (地下ロメロ)

You Wanted Love But I Wanted You, by Lola Mente (鱸蘿 牝手) *

The Breathing Lessons, by shukyou (主教) *

Open Top Bus Parade, by M. hoppipolla

Make It Work, by loveonthefarm *

* illustrated


Competition, by Iron Eater


And they're off!

Away they go, absolutely perfect, but then Tragic Romance, no interest. Tragic Romance has dropped far back early. Quickest in the ride, on the inside, we have Meet Cute. Up alongside that comes Flirtatious Banter with Ironic Miscommunication on the outside. Those three are really keeping the pressure on one another, folks. Happy Ending is racing back in seventh, five lengths behind the leader, a long shot but of course everyone's favorite.

On the backstretch now, it's another three lengths to Heteronormative Assumptions, and Tragic Romance at the back of the pack is a good ten lengths off the leaders. It's like neither of those should have even shown up to this particular race, and I doubt we'll be seeing any more of them today.

Here now, it's Flirtatious Banter setting the pace. Flirtatious Banter a length and a half to Boys Touching, and then Happy Ending being patiently ridden from the fifth spot. Then it's Gay Smut, who's starting to pound from behind. Ironic Miscommunication is trying be relevant again, but the race seems to have sorted itself out without any help from that. Boys Touching goes up to strike at the front! Gay Smut digs deep, finds more. Happy Ending is closing the gap with each and every stride.

But what's this? Coming out from nowhere, arriving to take the lead and best them all, is the dark horse, Issue 55! It's Issue 55 in the turn now, coming down the home stretch like there's a deadline to make. Now pushing past all the others, now setting the pace, can Issue 55 do it?

Yes! Issue 55 and your editors have won the day! Boys Touching comes in a close second, then Gay Smut, and Happy Ending finishing it all up. What an spectacular event, friends! This'll be one you'll be telling all your friends about for a long time to come.


See this issue's entry on the Shousetsu Bang*Bang wiki. This issue will be mirrored at on Wednesday.


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