Alright, so:
this OKCupid profile got linked on Twitter. The greatest highlight is that the "proud conservative American and brony" who "work(s) very hard to enmesh the philosophy of Ayn Rand within the framework of tolerance and love espoused by Pink Pie and friends" is "trying to finish the first draft of (his) e-book entitled Serfdom in
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Comments 16
The title is the best part.
So, er, instead I'll just have to spout the praises of the most consistent Objectivist on the show: Discord.
He, um, (tries to keep a straight face) rejected institutionalized violence and bureaucracy in all its forms, and was the absolute pinnacle of enlightened self-interest. His reign brought great benefits to Equestria, such as chocolate rain, not through benevolence but through simply transforming the world into one which was more bountiful and productive.
Also note that Great Objectivist Villain™ Luna was the driving factor behind shutting down his reign the first time, when she convinced her sister to wield the Elements of Harmony against him.
But Trixie? Pulled down by the weak and small-minded after she demonstrated her inherent superiority. Her entertainment was a valuable service for the ponies of Equestria, boosting morale, and in fair exchange for a fair wage. She's a capitalist icon, and the jealous masses couldn't abide that.
This looks like someone playing a mean-spirited joke by combining several straw men together. It looks like the sort of person who can't handle the idea that people they disagree with are capable of intelligence, so they work way too hard to present a picture of cognitive dissonance.
(I realize that this tilts me dangerously close to "the sort of person who can't handle the idea that people they disagree with are capable of intelligence", but seriously, movement conservatism of the sort idolized -- though not represented -- by our case study has been marching for a decade or more in anti-intellectual lockstep into a dangerous, dysfunctional wasteland. For instance, only 1 in 4 Republican voters thinks that Obama was born in the US despite all official documentation to the contrary. Simply by the law of averages, a lot of IQ 100+ people believe that, which is testament not to their idiocy but the virulence and danger of the memetic turf they're in.)
If I had to lay down money, I'd bet on sincere, but I'll grant that this is a textbook case of Poe's Law (and/or Corollary).
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