Oct 13, 2010 16:43

[ The pokégear turns on to the visual of the sole of someone's shoe... With a quick flick of the ankle, it slides across the grass and that clunking noise is the collision of the contraption and the tree...

But now it actually gets a full view of what is happening; A FIGHT TO THE DEATH! Just kidding, it is a friendly sparring match between Hong Kong and Cocona!

Whilst you watch a little longer, you can see their awesome skills, totally. Specifically, Cocona is attempting to get her hands on him in order to do that chest kick flip move adding some impulsive attacks with it as a rebound. Unfortunately, he has been countering it with some defensive blocks and strike techniques to keep her far away because the slip is bothering him. Rule 1, always be focused. ]

... Time-out. [ With that they both stop in their tracks... Letting Hong Kong saunter over to his pokégear.]

Something wrong with it?

I stepped on it earlier.

Is it broken then?

Of course not. [ he shakes the screen a bit just in case. ]

OOC NOTE! You have actually quite a couple of options for this post... What will you choose to do?

ACTION: (for those in Violet City)
Approach Cocona
Approach HK
Approach both
Challenge either or both
Play pranks on them (beware of consequences, little one)

Talk to HK
Ask for Cocona
Have some weird conversation with both of them
Be a douche and make it seem like all HK can see on his gear is static (CONSEQUENCES)
Lose the game (just in case you considered the pranks and static options)

#ic, fighting lolis by...moonlight, winning derp by daylight, fist of fury!, not being lazy sorta, that wasn't me, everybody was kung-fu fighting

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