Title: Seeing In the Dark
Author: baudown
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Disclaimer: Only mine in spirit
Prompt: Extinct, 100 words, open_on_sunday
Afterward, the earth's orbit shifted. The sky was always black, and therefore harmless.
Humans would be extinct soon. His kind roamed free, gluttonous, indifferent to the future. Not creatures that knew forethought, or restraint.
Spike didn't look at the photograph often, fearful of...squandering it, somehow. He saved it for the worst of times, when finding him seemed hopeless, too paralyzed to take another step.
He’d stolen it, long ago, a picture of her. When he looked at it now, he saw Xander.
The earth had shifted, and with it, his heart. Xander’s face lit the way, like a beacon.