Title: Inches
Author: baudown
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Disclaimer: Don't own them
Written for: open_on_sunday
Prompt: Ring
Word count: 100
Xander makes a joke. Spike is the only one laughing. Their eyes meet, surprised. It's the first time it happens. It isn't the last.
Spike wanders by, drink in hand. Xander nods for him to sit. Beneath the bar, their knees bump. Neither pulls away.
"Don't touch him," Spike says, killingly calm. The words ring out clear as a death knell. Xander's father steps back, fists uncurling.
Xander thinks about how the lines and curves of Spike's face fit together -- lips, cheekbones, brows. It's a face that's worthy of eternity.
Their mouths meet, the first kiss. It isn't the last.