Title: Tresses: Love, Peace, and Hair Grease?
Author: Batty_Gal a.k.a Tetra26
Rating: M
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Pairing: Wolfram x Yuuri
Word Count: 100
Fic Type: Drabble; Humor
Summary: Wolfram doesn't like Yuuri's new hair style.
Notes: This is part three of a series of unconnected drabbles with the same theme: hair fetish.
Tresses: Love, Peace, and Hair Grease?
"I don't like it at all," Wolfram said, pointing to Yuuri's new hairstyle.
"Why not? It's the current trend," Yuuri replied.
"Who cares? It isn't fitting for you."
"How so?"
"It just isn't."
"Give me a better reason than that, Wolfram."
"It's too greasy! I do not like the feel of it in my hands. This complicates things. You know how much I love to pull your hair when we make love. I am not about to do it with all that greasy pomade in it!"
"You'll love it, eventually."
"You'll masturbate, eternally."
"I'll wash it out immediately."
"Thank you."