A World of Dreams and Nightmares (pt.7)

Jan 29, 2009 15:17

Title: A World of Dreams and Nightmares (pt.7)
Author: Moni_Mama
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Batman/Joker ( some implied Bruce/Rachel but nothing explicit)
Disclaimer: I don't own them sadly...cause if I did...they'd never be dressed or leave bed...<3 this is just for fun and cause my little mind is so very slashily warped. XD
A/N: This is going to be a looong one, many chaptered, but this is the first part, basically the summary is that when moving things around in the batcave Bruce sets off a reaction that sends him to another AU, where the Joker was never made, and instead Jack Napier was allowed to come to be and is another wealthy playboy. There is no Batman or Joker in this AU and Bruce has to figure out how to get back, while dealing with some growing feeling for Jack..XD Annnnnd I dunno say anymore caaaaause I gots lots little twists in here ^__^ sooo enjoy? (p.s....I need a beta...anyone interested plz drop me an email...)

Jack went from feeling pain in his heart when Bruce came into his office, to annoyance at the insinuation Bruce thought he was pathetic enough to jump out a window over everything, to finally pure and unabashed rage at the obvious lie he was being handed. “Wha..” Bruce began rubbing his rapidly bruising jaw but Jack cut him off.

“I have heard a lot of shitty excuses in my time and I always thought you of all people would at least have the balls to own up and be honest! I mean we’ve been friends forever, yeah we slept together, yeah we were drunk and it’s obvious you regret it but you could at least have the decency to not try to use lame humor to wiggle your way out of dealing with this!”

Bruce opened and closed his mouth a few times. Finally able to speak he gave Jack a confused look. “Humor? I wasn’t trying to be funny Jack…”

Jack felt his anger grow more at the look of honest confusion in the other man’s face, lunging forward he tried to hit him again. Bruce had stepped back and caught him with surprising ease, a strong hand wrapped around each of Jack’s wrists, his body pressed to Bruce’s. Normally this position would have incurred lots of blushing and half hearted teasing, now he only felt the desire to hang his head and cry or run away as fast as he could. “Dammnit Bruce.” He growled and let his head fall forward his loose curls obscuring his face. “If you really didn’t want to be with me that bad you could at least just say so.” His voice was soft and defeated.

“Jack, listen. What happened last night…”

“Was a mistake I know, you said so this morning.” His voice was bitter and he raised his eyes to glare a little, Bruce’s grip was stronger then he remembered it and at the moment he had no real will to fight anymore.

“It was a mistake that it happened when we were drunk. Not that it happened at all.” His voice was low and gentle and the words made Jack’s head snap up, eyes wide, hurt shining from their depths along with the plea that he was being serious.


Bruce had made up his mind to tell him the truth, and he had thought that would have been enough to at least partially fix things, but the look in Jack’s eyes and the sound of his voice made Bruce realize that it wouldn’t be enough. He knew when he found a way home, the other Bruce wouldn’t know about all this, and the way he would behave not having any knowledge of what they did would ruin anything Bruce would be able to fix by simply telling the truth. He knew he would get home someday, but until then he had to make things right. Jack loved Bruce, and even though he was a different Bruce he had the feeling the Bruce of this Gotham loved him back just as much. He had taken a step in their relationship away from them and now he knew what he had to do.

He would love Jack, or at least make sure that Jack thought he loved him, for both this Bruce and Jack’s sake. He would hold him and love him and make him believe that it was all fine until his real Bruce could come home to him. Bruce looked into the dark and desperate eyes when he said that only their drunken states were the mistake. He owed him that much after the pervious night and that morning. This Gotham’s Bruce was more lucky then he could imagine. He would write a note and leave it in a private place for this Gotham’s Bruce, surely when he got back he wouldn’t find it hard to believe the note given his own displacement. He would let this Bruce know of the night he spent with Jack and however many days that followed until his return, so that when he got back he could go on loving his best friend like he should have been all along.

Bruce told himself it was just for Jack’s and this Bruce’s sake, even when as he cupped a soft cheek flashes of their night together filled his mind. Sighs in the dark, skin sliding together and hot kisses. “Bruce?” He had been lost in his own thoughts for some time and he smiled at Jack’s concerned voice softly.

“I mean it Jack, I know it didn’t happen they way we both probably dreamt it would, but it happened, and that’s what matters. I’m sorry I freaked out on you this morning, and said what I said. I didn’t handle it well.” He said gently and stroked the cheek in his hand with his thumb.

“That‘s for sure…but…please Bruce is this real? Is this really what you feel Bruce because if this is just some cheap way of getting me to not be angry then you..” he was cut off by Bruce kissing him. When they parted Bruce almost leaned in again right off. Jack took a breath and looked torn between staying angry, and looking a little concerned. “But this morning..”

“This morning I was an idiot! I was scared of ruining everything because of what we did Jack…I…I wanted it for so long, and it was all a little overwhelming.”

“Yeah, a little, I was worried you hated me after you left.” He admitted and Bruce felt another stab of guilt.

“I could never hate you Jack. I was being stupid, and then Rachel came over, she was able to make me see what a fool I was being and made me realize I needed to do what was right, and that was come to you and show you I didn’t regret us being together.”

Jack smiled weakly now and relaxed fully still in Bruce’s grip. “A verbal lashing from our very own Rachel Dent?”

“Over forty lashes at least.” He joked dryly. Jack was becoming more and more at ease, and a little of the sparkle was returning to his dark eyes. However there was a tiny hint of concern still, and it bother him. “What’s wrong?”

“Well, what was all that about being a different Bruce?” He asked softly.

Bruce sighed a little and forced a sheepish look. “You got me the first time, I was trying to make you laugh, you know, use humor to lighten the situation, I guess it failed.” He prayed he wouldn’t have to backtrack again. Jack looked slightly annoyed but here was affection there too.

“Guess so. Just next time Bruce, leave the jokes to me, I‘m the funny one out of the two of us remember?” Bruce fought the snort of amusement and minor pang of horror at being reminded of the Joker. Jack wasn’t the Joker, he was a different man who had the same face. Jack hadn’t done the horrible things the Joker had, he was a sweet and loving man who only wanted to be with his best friend, and the more time Bruce spent around him the more he saw just how much of a different man Jack was from the Joker, and he began to wonder why he had ever compared them to begin with regardless of their physical parallels. Bruce released Jack’s wrists but the blonde man stayed pressed to him, arms wrapping around him lightly.

He nodded forcing a soft smile before growing somber again. “Seriously, are we ok now Jack?”

Jack looked up and shrugged, “That depends.”


“On what we are now.” He said simply eyes taking on a guarded look as he waited for the answer.

“That’s easy. We’re best friends.” Bruce said and Jack’s face fell, “Who happen to be lovers too.” His smile came back and he hugged Bruce tightly. He tried to tell himself the fluttering in his chest from his smile was because he was happy for Jack and the other Bruce’s chance at being together having been saved.

“Then, “ Jack said after a long moment of hugging. “I guess we’re very ok now.”

chaptered story: dreams and nightmares, author: moni_mama, genre: au, fanfic, rating: pg13

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