Three drabbles!

Apr 03, 2007 11:34

Argh! I just realised there were only three days til the end of 100x100 and I hadn't written anything yet!


His eyes are wide, pleading. He wraps his leg around the bar of the cage, all that naked flesh on offer, as his body shudders with need.

"Bruce, please…"

The Bat cannot watch this display. He stares into the distance, waiting it out. When Robin comes down, he'll feel guilty. He must prepare for that. He must not think about his sidekick's lust.

Robin is stripping off his uniform.

Yielding would be easy. But Batman holds to his resolve, glad he gave the key to Alfred. He can do this. He is in control.


Closing his eyes, he waits.

Small spaces


"Batman, I'm small, I can get through!"


He will not send Robin into unknown danger. Even if it will stop the villain, even if it's right, he won’t do it.

"I'm in this as your partner. Or am I just wasting space?"

Bringing this boy onto the streets, the boy who is almost a man - how could he do this to him?

A hand on his arm and a confidant smile. "You know I can do this."

He lets him go, because birds have to fly and Robin is unstoppable. He made him that way.

He is proud.

No father

When Andy from school asks if Bruce is his dad, he says no, sharply, immediately.

He had a dad once, a man who flew on the wind, laughing, brave. Bruce could never be that man.

But he is drawn to him, enchanted by the spell of the Bat, by this man who is so like him and yet doesn't really know him at all.

He pretends this love is just friendship or admiration, but he knows it is deeper, darker, sweeter.

Adulthood beckons. Soon he will know for sure if this is real, returned. He craves it to be so.

100, drabble, demonfaithfic

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