I cant sleep but I sure can dream [four]

Mar 03, 2011 22:00

Title: I cant sleep but I sure can dream
Author: bathedoursmiles
Rating: nc- 17
Pairing: Jack Barakat / Alex Gaskarth
Summary: Alex is an insomniac and now has to find a new place to hang out at, at night. He finds Jack's 24-hour bar. Jack is also an insomniac but telling people why could get him hurt.
Warning: Smut at some points.
Disclaimer: This never happend duh and I do not own these boys unfortunately.
A/N: This chapter is a little short but atleast I updated right? I'm sorry this sucks ugh.

Throughout the whole of the next day, Alex couldn't help but think of the previous night. It caused him to be more distant than usual in classes. Came music class and Alex couldn't be happier. His teacher asked him if he wanted to go to the other music room and come up with something to show him at the end of the period. Alex obviously took the offer.


He closed the door of the echoing room and looked around. He run his fingers over the smooth symbals of the impressive drumset. He then picked at the strings of the silver guitar laying on a chair and then came to the polished piano which he decided to sit at. He smoothed his hand over the slick black and white keys. Once he positioned his fingers, he started to play.

He started a good composition and then began to hum along 'Don't let this memory fade away...' He sang softly. He repeated the notes he had just played and then opened his mouth to sing again until he heard the door open.

He looked up rapidly and watched a guy enter. He had a buzzcut but with a slight mohawk. His eyes were brown and welcoming and he had a smile that could light up the whole room.

"Hey" The guy said.

"Hi" Alex replied awkwardly. The other boy then walked forward and held out a hand.

"I'm Rian" He told Alex. Alex took his hand and shook it.

"Alex" He said.

"So where'd you transfer from?" Rian asked casually as he slightly leaned against the drumset.

"Pittsburgh" Alex answered quietly.

"Oh...well welcome then" Rian said positively. Alex gave him a smile and then looked back at the piano.

"Do you play?" He asked. Alex was started by his sudden question.

"What?" Alex blurted out.

"Piano...do you play the piano?" Rian questioned. Alex bit his lip nervously.

"Erm yeah a little but I'm not too good. I play guitar mostly" He told Rian. Rian nodded in approvement.

"Let's hear you" Rian proposed. Alex's eyes grew wide.

"I'm really not that good" Alex stuttered.

Rian walked round the piano now and stood on the side it of, letting his hand fall over the panel of buttons and hit a green triangular one.

"Automatic recording" Rian teased with a warm smile. Alex chuckled nervously and pulled on the long strands of his light brown hair as his composition played, When it came to an end, Rian looked down at Alex.

"I'm not really that good" He mimicked in a squeaky voice.

"Bullshit. You're great" Rian told him. Alex smiled.

"Thank you" He answered.

Rian was a bit forward but Alex didn't mind it. It was a comforting forward.

"And what do you play?" Alex asked. Rian grinned and got up, he walked around the drumset and then sat down on the seat in front of it.

"This baby" He replied. He drew drumsticks out of his pocket and then began to play smoothly. He kept a good beat that had Alex tapping his feet. When he was done Alex scoffed.

"You're amazing" Alex said. He couldn't handle how well Rian had played the drums.

"Thanks" He said happily.

"Wanna jam?" Rian asked simplky. Alex swallowed and then slightly relaxed.

"Depends, what will we be playing?" He asked. Rian shrugged.

"You know some Amber Pacific?" Rian asked. Alex nodded and reached for the guitar, resting it on his lap and plugging it in. Once he was settled, Rian begun the intro of Gone So Young.

Alex was having a great time. He had never had anyone to play msuic with. He never thought he could find someone who played with as much passion as he did but Rian Dawson seemed to had broken his theory.

They were in the middle of a song when suddenly Alex saw someone walk through the door. They stopped playing and turned to their teacher who was then shutting the door behind him.

"How's it going boys? Alex you met Rian?" He asked casually. Rian grinned as Alex nodded.

"Amazing" Rian replied. Alex smiled in agreement.

"What exactly were you playing?" Their teacher asked.

"Josie by Blink 182" Rian answered. Mr Phillips nodded and then leaned against the piano which Alex sat beside.

"Show me" He proposed. Rian looked at Alex and raised an eyebrow. Alex nodded to assure Rian that he could do this because Rian could already tell that Alex was a little more than just shy. Rian then started the intro.

Music class was over and it was lunch time. As Alex got his things, Rian turned to him and smiled.

"Do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" He asked politely. Alex smiled. The offer was more than inviting but Alex couldn't.

He had a lot of fun with Rian today, he really had. But Alex was scared. He was scared making new friends. He knew it would be good for him but he couldn't bring himself to get close to someone, not yet atleast.


Alex skipped gym class again and went home early. When he got through the door of the empty house, he took a breath of relief. He dropped his bag by the door and dropped his keys on the wooden table which caused a slamming noise, which echoed through out the house.

He ran up to his room and then slowed down once he got to the door. He sighed and walked into his room. He threw himself on his bed and dug his face into the fresh pillow. He breathed in the clean scent and then groaned as he heard a beeping noise.

He propped himself up on his elbows and looked around, raising an eyebrow as the beeping noise started again.

He tilted his head and realized it was coming from his bedside table. He rapidly opened all the empty draws and then created a mental note to put underwear in them before reaching the last one.

He slowly pulled it open and in the corner was a mobile phone. He swallowed and stared at it as he realized it was David's.

He had kept David's mobile phone after he had died. Not because he wanted to snoop through it, just because on there, was a video of David. A video which killed Alex each time, even though everytime he said it wouldn't make him cry...it did.

He reached for the phone and flipped it open. He smoothed his thumb over the panel of numbers before going to the videos.

He pressed on the only one there and then held it in both of his hands.

It started to play. David was sitting there, crossed legged with a CD in his hand.

"Admit it Dave, you like Blink!" Alex exclaimed.

"No" David said in a plane voice. His mouth resisting a smile.

"Come on...for me" Alex pleaded. David groaned loudly and looked up.

"Fine but only cause you're my best friend-" He stated. Alex paused it there. Alex had zoomed in on that part of the video. David was slightly smiling and his green eyes were scrunching up at the corners.

Alex sniffled slightly and tried to hold back the tears that he knew were going to come crashing down once he put the phone away. He flipped it close and gently placed it back in the corner of the draw, then shut it carefully.

He then threw himself back down onto his bed and swallowed before closing his stinging eyes and letting a simple tear slip down his soft cheek.


Alex had composed himself before his parents got home with their new car which they couldn't stop telling him about at dinner. Alex sat there and ignored them completely and just occassionally laughed with them and raised his eyebrows everytime they said something which was exciting for them.

After dinner Alex couldn't have run out of the consevatory faster. He was bored and just wanted to get away from his parents. On the way to his room his stopped by his parents room and then walked in.

The light blue curtains and silk sheets matched the cream walls. He felt as if he had entered some kind of cottage but he liked it. He hadn't taken much notice of his parents room when they had moved in but it was kind of sweet. He realized a big book was sitting on his mom's beside table. The cover from where he was standing looked quite dark and twisted.

He walked over to the table and hovered over it. The cover was dark like he thought it was. It looked like it was out of the times just by the title font 'Dark Tower: The Gunslinger' it read it yellow. Alex picked it up, it was quite heavy so he held it with his two hands.

He opened it and flicked through the pages. He then heard someone walk up behind him. He turned around quickly and came face to face to his mom, who was smiling. She took the book from his hands and held it up between them.

"I just finished it, it was great" She told Alex. Alex smiled.

"Can I read it?" Alex asked quietly. She scoffed and handed him the book.

"Of course you can sweetie. I don't have the rest of the series though but tell me if you like it okay?" She said. He nodded and tucked the book under his arm and then headed for the door.

"Hey kid" She said before Alex left the room, he turned around and looked at her.

"Yeah?" He replied. She fiddled with her nails before looking up at him and smiling.

"You okay?" She asked even though she knew the honest answer.

"Yeah...yeah I am" Alex answered. She nodded and he then walked out of the room. She stood there and sighed, then sitting down on her empty bed.

She knew he wasn't okay, he was never okay but she just wanted him to admit that to her.


That night Alex's parents were out by 1am. He grinned once he heard his dad snoring, which meant he could leave safely.

Once he was cruising down the streets of the town, his found himself driving by the port again meaning, he'd have to turn into Lancaster Street which got him thinking about '24' again.

As he drove slowly down the silent street, he craned his head sidewards to see if he could see '24' but he couldn't until he arrived just about outside it. He saw the empty parking there and couldn't help but pull into it.

Once he turned off the ignition and turned off the lights, he looked to the bar to see the exact scenario as last time.

The guy was there again. He was walking around in his tight black jeans which hung well onto his small ass and a tight dark blue v-neck which draped perfectly past his prominent hip bones. Alex examined the way his long arms stretched as he wiped a table in the middle of the low-lit room and then sighed.

He couldn't decide whether or not the bar was open. There was no sign and nothing was put away but what if the guy was cleaning up to start closing? He didn't know but really he just wanted to find out.

He climbed out of his car and hissed at the cold air, he grabbed his book and tucked it under his arm before shutting the door. He shuffled towards the door and then took a deep breath and closed his eyes before pushing the door open.

The guy turned around, the corner of his lip tugged up into a smile as his eyes looked down and up on Alex but in a casual way.

Alex walked over to the table furthest away from the bar and sat on the sofa against the wall. He shuffled uncomfortably before putting his book on the table. He shrugged off his coat and settled it beside him before looking up slightly to see the guy walking over to him. He then looked back down quickly.

"Would you like anything?" The guy asked. His voice high but quite smooth. Alex looked up through his dark lashes and saw this man standing in front of him.

The guy was biting at his thin lower lip, shifting his curvy jawline slightly sideways. His eyes were mesmerizing, they were like dark orbs but sort of made Alex feel warm. They tried to hold onto Alex's but Alex kept his eyes at an awkward level, just beneath his.

"Erm...do you have coffee or is this an alcohol only bar?" Alex asked quietly. He closed his eyes for a second and cursed himself for sounding so dumb but this man was too beautiful to think slightly straight around.

"Nope I can bring you coffee, anything else?" He asked politely. Alex shook his head and then waited for him to walk away before flipping over his book to read the back.

Before he flipped the book back round after reading the back, the guy came to his table with a mug of coffee in his hand and settled it down beside his book.

"Sugar?" He asked. Alex nodded and the guy pulled out two sachets of sugar from his pocket and put them down beside his mug. Alex looked up and smiled.

"Thank you" He mumbled. He couldn't help but hold onto this guys eyes. The guy now leaned forward on an arm, on Alex's table. He then pulled out the other hand from his pocket and held it out.

"Jack" He said with a smile playing on his lips. Alex liked that. Jack. It was short and simple.

"Alex" Alex replied quietly, then taking his hand to shake it.

"You're quite young aren't you?" Jack questioned. Alex shrugged.

"Almost 17" Alex replied quickly. Jack nodded and tilted his head.

"You like Stephen King?" Jack asked lightly. Alex shrugged.

"I don't know yet. I'm trying him out" Alex told him with a slight chuckle. Jack nodded and then slowly turned around to walk away.

Jack must have been about 22, Alex thought. Way out of his league obviously but Alex couldn't help but stare at him. Everything about him drew Alex in and just left him wanting more.

Also, the guy knew how to make a good coffee.

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