3 KinkMe Merlin Manips

Jul 27, 2010 15:15

Finally got around to re-posting these. 2 were requested as fanart for franticsga 's brilliant fic, Arthur and the Real Boy (which, if you haven't read yet, you should). The other was part of Project Diversity (and may be a new OTP for me) - an AU Freya/Leon scene.

All three were made for prompts at kinkme_merlin .


Title: Rescue
Pairing: Freya/Leon
Spoilers: Minor for 2x09
Prompt: "Freya/Leon, rescue. AU; art of Sir Leon carrying Freya to safety."

Title: "....his eyes were blue and sort of sweet..."
Notes: 1 of 2 requested fic arts for franticsga's amazing story, Arthur and the Real Boy
Prompt: "...Merlin in his beanie hat...seen in part eight of the story..."

Title: "He found a slip of paper inside..."
Notes: 2 of 2 requested fic arts for franticsga's amazing story, Arthur and the Real Boy
Prompt: "...And I would like to see the list Merlin made in part five. I'm not picky about how his handwriting is but I'd image it would match the fact that he's an artist in the fic...


pairing: freya/leon, manipulations, merlin, pairing: arthur/merlin

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