Title: A Special Occasion Universe: DCAU (DC Animated Universe) Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Bruce Wayne Word Count: 499 Summary: Clark goes out, and gets an earful for it...
LOL, nice ending. I really like the pacing and flow of the dialogue, this story moved along nicely and was easy to picture happening. Great tension between Clark and Lois, this was a fun read.
If it's not too much trouble, would you mind adding a genre to your entry? It makes it faster for me when I archive the entries in the Memories, thanks.
I'm not much of a Superman fan, but this was very cute & funny. I could see it in the comic adaptations of the DCAU as like a little two page side story :D nice job!
For me this has a historic feel, with the "Golden Age" rivalry/relationship of Lois and Clark (probably also preserved in the cartoons). Lois is a good enough reporter and Bruce famous enough that she might recognize him without having to be told. All three personalities come through strong.
This is a small detail, but it might come in handy for future writing in other forums. If you've got a complete sentence next to a bit of dialogue, you don't need to connect them with a comma. They stand as separate sentences. If you've got a "said" or similar verb looking for dialogue, that's when there's only one sentence, which needs a comma at the edge of the dialogue.
EXAMPLES: The Joker asked, "Why so serious?" The Joker smiled and said, "Why so serious?" The Joker smiled while saying, "Why so serious?" The Joker smiled. "Why so serious?
Comments 4
If it's not too much trouble, would you mind adding a genre to your entry? It makes it faster for me when I archive the entries in the Memories, thanks.
Lois is well written, I like how she jumps straight to conclusions and goes on the offensive.
A great little 'moment in time' story. :)
This is a small detail, but it might come in handy for future writing in other forums. If you've got a complete sentence next to a bit of dialogue, you don't need to connect them with a comma. They stand as separate sentences. If you've got a "said" or similar verb looking for dialogue, that's when there's only one sentence, which needs a comma at the edge of the dialogue.
The Joker asked, "Why so serious?"
The Joker smiled and said, "Why so serious?"
The Joker smiled while saying, "Why so serious?"
The Joker smiled. "Why so serious?
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