Title: No Such Thing As Luck Universe: General Genre: Gen, drama Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Batman, anonymous villain, Alfred Word Count: 445 Warnings: None Summary: Batman doesn't believe in luck.
This is the third Bruce-perspective fic this week (at least in the order I'm reading them) and it's interesting to see people's different takes on him. Pretty much everyone agrees that Bruce is very dismissive of relying on luck and prefers to just train the heck out of himself/everyone else and growlingly vow to train harder when things don't go his way! I particularly like his taking insult at the implication that he's required luck to stay in one piece up to the point that he found himself in this deathtrap - when will villains learn that taunting only makes the good guys madder and gives them time to escape and crush you...
I haven't read any of the other stories yet, so I'll have to see what people are saying about our beloved Bruce! He's just not superstitious enough to want anything to do with luck, although maybe he should admit that while he shouldn't rely on it, he can't say his skill and training have gotten him out of every jam!
Comments 2
Silly villains, making Batman even angrier!!
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