Title: No Strings Hold Him Down (Just Vines)
Universe: DCAU mostly
Genre: drama
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Poison Ivy, Joker
Word Count: 1015
Warnings: minor implications of domestic abuse
Summary: Poison Ivy 's got Joker all tied up.
No Strings Hold Him Down (Just Vines) )
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I'm so glad you liked the story! The Ivy/Harley/Joker triangle fascinates me, so I'm glad I could do it justice. Ivy is such a different character than what I normally write, so I'm never sure if I get her down.
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I seem to recall reading a fic once where Joker had Ivy trussed up as a marionette, but also wired to some sort of electric shock thing much to Harley's horror. I don't think it ended very well...
Glad you liked the image! I was trying to come up with a story, and Joker at Ivy's mercy popped into my head!
I don't think any fic where Joker is in control of someone can end very well... :)
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Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and commenting!
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