Title: Target Audience
Universe: DCAU-kinda
Genre: Drama
Characters: A typically unfortunate Gotham ten year old boy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Summary: Advertising that works in most places might not be ideally suited to Gotham...
The word ‘no’ was just a challenge. )
Comments 2
I liked the POV of the OC being affected secretly by the Joker. Though you'd really think unless Joker's been Clowning Around for less than a year, people would have stopped having anything to do with any new *anything* related to clowns/toys/smiles. Batman must be so darn frustrated with these people.
Clowns really are creepy enough as it is. Anyone in Gotham hiring one for their kid's birthday (the Mayor in Be A Clown, I'm looking at you...) has got to be crazy themselves even before the Joker-gatecrashing risk!
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