Title: Super Tongue-Lashing Universe: General. Genre: Drama Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Word Count: 799 Warnings: none Summary: Bruce wakes up to words of admonishment from Clark.
From the summary my cracky brain was imagining this was going to be a hungover Bruce being admonished after a particularly wild stag night, but running himself into the ground is significantly more in-character.
Having Bruce unable to reply and reduced to running commentary in his head is a nice twist, and it lets Clark focus on the telling off without it descending into an argument or Bruce just brushing him off. Guilting him is definitely the right way to get his stubborn attention too - the lesson might last for all of five minutes (before the next crisis pushes him over the edge again).
Yeah, I know the summary is a little misleading, but I couldn't think of anything else at the time. My first contest entry was actually Clark helping Bruce with a hangover.
Sometimes Bruce just needs to shut the heck up and listen, you know? Maybe Clark's words will get through, maybe not, but at least Clark knows he's physically heard the words and can't argue back!
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I do love that Clark can call Bruce on his crap and there's nothing he can do because Clark is *right*. It's what Clark does.
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Thanks for reading and commenting!!!
Having Bruce unable to reply and reduced to running commentary in his head is a nice twist, and it lets Clark focus on the telling off without it descending into an argument or Bruce just brushing him off. Guilting him is definitely the right way to get his stubborn attention too - the lesson might last for all of five minutes (before the next crisis pushes him over the edge again).
Sometimes Bruce just needs to shut the heck up and listen, you know? Maybe Clark's words will get through, maybe not, but at least Clark knows he's physically heard the words and can't argue back!
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