Title: One More Chance
Universe: DCU (DC Universe)
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Batman
Word Count: 498 words
Summary: Batman tries to step in on a family torn apart.
Patroling the night, dark and endless. Crime in the city sometimes seems the same way: ongoing and with no end in sight. Alone on the rooftops and watching over alone, an extreme sacrifice. The first of many that I have made for Gotham in my lifetime.
I hear a scream.
It's very loud, to the point where I can hear it from blocks away. I swing over to the building where it originated from to discover the soruce almost immediately. A man, drunk and violent, beating his wife while his chidren watched. One of them walks over and Dad rewards the small boy with a slap to his right cheek.
No More.
With one strong swoop, I crash through the window. Dad has no idea what was going on when I stormed in, grabbed him with both hands and then dragged his drunk ass into the bathroom. After I slammed the door behind me, I dunk the man's head in the toilet a few times and hold him there and force him to sober up. After a few dunks, I finally give him a break. I pick his sorry ass off the floor and hold him to the door. "What's wrong with you??"
"I'm not a bad man." he begged, "Please..."
"You hit your wife and child!" I roared at him. "You're no better than the freaks at Arkham!"
"I'm not..." he began to cry.
I could hear more crying coming from the living room. Despite what was going on, he was still their father and they loved him despite his faults. All I could think about was that small boy in the ally, no choice to but to accept destiny. "You have a choice." I whispered, " A choice to be a better man. To make up for the mistakes you've made."
"I can do it." he whimpered.
"You better." I cussed under my breath. "I know what it's like to lose a father at that age, I never recovered. Give them the childhood I never had. Make it up to them or else."
"I can do it..."
"Go to a meeting, attend them all. Or the next time you'll go straight to jail!"
"I get it... I'll do it..."
I dropped the man to the floor and as I walked out, I could see the concern in their eyes. "He'll be fine."
The little boy seems to crack a smile, grateful I didn't take him to town this time out. Life for him has been given a second chance, one I wasn't able to have. Hopefully one that will be for the better for everyone. I leave back into the night. Back to my patrol, my emotional banishment on the roofs of Gotham, forever to remain the Batman. The parent watching over the entire city.