Title: A Change of Plan Universe: General Rating: PG Genre: Drama Characters: Slade, Dick, Bruce Word Count: 1071 Summary: Dick has to deal with the consequences when Bruce's plan goes awry.
Is this part of a larger fic arc? I kinda got that feeling as I was reading it.
This was really well done, Dick was wonderfully in character, and I love that he thinks of himself as Dick, not as Robin. With a lot of people it's 'Robin did X, and Robin did Y' not 'Dick did X and then Dick did Y' it was kinda refreshing.
One little bit at the end though, I don't think Bruce would say Alfred's name aloud, not unless they were already in the safety of the Batmobile. One personal connection can lead to the lid getting blown off their identites.
It's not part of a larger arc. I've tried to do multi chapter stories before, but I don't have a large enough attention span to devote that much time to a single story, lol. I usually only refer to Dick soley as Robin when writing Teen Titans toon verse, and I've taken Alfred's name out of the end of this. I had a momentary lapse, it won't happen again ;)
A couple of grammar notes: but the larger man’s thick arm shots
'shoots', not 'shots'
plan in crumbling to debris,
is crumbling
THANK YOU for using the correct "faze".
I loved Gordon being so gentle with him. You know it's got to be hard for Gordon, watching Batman put a teenager in danger like this. If Slade had been the Joker or Two Face, Dick could have been killed.
Whoops, thanks for pointing those out. I was in a bit of a hurry to post this, I left it right down to the deadline, and my editing skills were obviously sorly lacking this time around.
I got the "part one of X" feel from this too; it could be the first part in a longer look at the relationship between the three of them as Dick grows older and more proficient, and maybe his thoughts turn to getting some payback for times like these. It works fine as a one-shot moment-in-time kind of fic too though!
Aww, poor Dick. It's not easy being the Boy Wonder when people want to tie you up just for doing what Batman tells you. I thought Bruce acted nice here, didn't ream him in front of Gordon or anyone. Though surely there's a lesson on being aware of his surroundings in for him tomorrow.
Comments 10
This was really well done, Dick was wonderfully in character, and I love that he thinks of himself as Dick, not as Robin. With a lot of people it's 'Robin did X, and Robin did Y' not 'Dick did X and then Dick did Y' it was kinda refreshing.
One little bit at the end though, I don't think Bruce would say Alfred's name aloud, not unless they were already in the safety of the Batmobile. One personal connection can lead to the lid getting blown off their identites.
A couple of grammar notes:
but the larger man’s thick arm shots
'shoots', not 'shots'
plan in crumbling to debris,
is crumbling
THANK YOU for using the correct "faze".
I loved Gordon being so gentle with him. You know it's got to be hard for Gordon, watching Batman put a teenager in danger like this. If Slade had been the Joker or Two Face, Dick could have been killed.
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