Even Robins genfic.

Aug 10, 2006 19:42

Got the prompt: A black-haired character / ...in a snippet that includes the phrase, 'When I was six, I wanted to be...' from the scenario generator.

Title: Living Dreams
Author: Fickle
Rating: PG
Characters: Jason/Red Hood and Steph
Summary: Steph's gotta be doing something when she's not saving Cass, and dead Robins stick together.

"An astronaut." Steph considers the statement, then laughs. "Street kid dreaming of the stars, huh?"

She reaches out to flick Jason's nose playfully, and the first dead Robin shrugs as Steph's hand passes right through him.

"Hey, I was six. What'd you expect? You're the one who asked." He reloads the rifle and rests it on his shoulder, eyes masked by the red domino he wears even when he's sleeping. Jason grunts, then readjusts the gun, finger twitching slightly on the trigger, "You?"

"When I was six," Steph starts, sitting in the air and watching him with that automatically-disapproving look that seems part of Batman's teachings, "I wanted to be a hero."

The rapid stutter of gunfire slashes dramatically through the air, and in his peripheral vision, Jason sees her wince. Reloading, he comments, "And then you grew up."

Steph echoes him, "And then I grew up."

Silence for a second, then Steph's face suddenly sharpens, eyes narrow and bright. "Batgirl needs me. Gotta go."

She braces herself on thin air, flips over and disappears before Jason can even wish her good luck.
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