More Femslash

Jul 05, 2004 07:36

I don't know where this or the wild urge to write more Dinah/Barbara came from, but here it is. More femslash set within Batgirl: Year One. For those of you who haven't read it, there's a part in which Barbara and Dinah are chasing after Firefly and Killer Moth, and Barbara makes a comment about how the BatCycle really isn't built for tandem riding, and for some reason, my mind just went to a dirty place.

A Bike Built For Two

BatCycles weren't really built for two.

Oh, they were amazing pieces of machinery, that was for damn sure. Agile, quick, could turn on a dime, and Barbara felt fairly certain that upon one, she could outrace a train if she felt so inclined. But it seemed that when Batman was designing them, he assumed that he would be on one and his little buddy would be on another, and there would never come a time when two people would have ride one bike.

For a genius, Batgirl mused, it seemed that the Bat could be shockingly daft at times.

Or maybe, she thought with a smirk, Batman knew exactly what he was doing when he was designing that bike. Maybe he wanted to feel his partner pressed up against him, to feel bare knees dig into his back and bare flesh rub up against hard leather...

Focus, focus. No time to entertain that thought. She had a feeling that Black Canary wouldn't exactly be pleased if she ended up with road rash.

She was sort of shocked that Black Canary was even letting her drive in the first place. Not that she needed her permission to drive her own bike, but she didn't see Black Canary being one to ride in the (non-existent) back seat. And if she demanded the right to the driver's seat, chances were, she was going to get it.

But instead, she gave her the rights to her own property (And by 'her own', she meant Batman's). That was something.

Of course, that didn't stop her from commenting on her driving skills and making corrections when she saw fit; nor did it stop her from never actually calling her by her 'name'. Apparently, she found 'Kid' far more fitting. (And, now that she thought about it, maybe it was.)

But, hey. It could have been worse. All things considered, she was damn lucky that the Black Canary was even bothering with her in the first place.

And, only taking some things into consideration, she was damn lucky that Black Canary had opted to ride in the back.

Because, seeing as how BatCycles simply were not built for two people to ride, it seemed at times that the Black Canary was riding her instead of the bike. And then Batgirl understood very well what Batman might have had in mind when making the BatCycle; the feel of bare flesh pressed against hard leather and strong arms wrapped firmly around her waist...

And then they hit a bump in the road, and the bike rises, and Black Canary rises with it, and then she pushes against her, and it takes every fiber in her being to resist pushing back...

But no. Safety in all things first, Robin said. If Black Canary didn't take kindly to road rash, Batgirl doubted she would take very kindly to getting shot.

She had becoming far too distracted, but really, it wasn't her fault. But, really, it didn't matter who's fault it was. What an embarrassing death that would be; being shot down like a dog because she couldn't control herself. How the hell did Batman manage to deal, anyway?

Fucking BatCycle.
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