So basically, life decided to kick me up the ass today.
I got up, came downstairs, looked at my computer, discovered a friend thought he'd done the wrong thing when he hadn't, got tired, went back to bed (I'm ill), read some of
teachwriteslash 's story, slept a bit, got up, came downstairs, ate lunch and then discovered my computer had crashed.
I loaded my computer back up and BAM! It died again.
I took a deep breath....loaded it up.....and it died again.
Seven times in one hour the freakin' thing died. SEVEN TIMES.
Then my computer started to work again.
So I typed a load of vampires, demons and torchwood... and it was still working. Saved, watched tv a bit, came back, typed a load more and it crashed.
I lost all I'd written in between tv and then.
I screamed, thumped a wall, rebooted my computer and sat, waiting for it to load. It loaded up and crashed again.
I won't stay up for more than ten seconds now ... and guess what? The format v,d&T is in ... is the wrong format to be loaded and typed into on this laptop I'm using.
I am SO majorly freaking pissed off right now.
I have to wait to get a new network card before it will work again.
So...the next chapter may be a while coming.
Forgive me? Please?