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applecatching January 3 2006, 15:00:05 UTC
You're not the one who's being impolite :-)

I feel very strongly that people should always be respectful and *always* give credit to people who make icons. I've only made a few very, very basic ones, and even those took work, so I know how much work goes into more advanced icon-making. The best userpics are miniature works of art - I wouldn't pretend to have painted a Vermeer, so why pretend to have made a userpic?

I'm very grateful to people like you who do such intricate, beautiful work and are generous enough to share them with the rest of us. The least we can do, in exchange, is to acknowledge your work, and not hotlink.


bases_by_maggie January 3 2006, 15:22:22 UTC
Thank you very much for your support, I really appreciate that :)

And I agree with you. Icons mean effort and time. And many love. I don't request credit for bases because they don't take much work from me but icons do.

Thank you very much, once again :)


Want icons! sofiaagapao August 24 2008, 18:06:25 UTC
Add please? :-)


Re: Want icons! bases_by_maggie August 24 2008, 18:08:26 UTC
Yes, just add me whenever you want, I'll add you back :)


lunachickk January 3 2006, 15:15:39 UTC
Please friend me!
I'm sorry you had such a mess to deal with. Stupid people!


bases_by_maggie January 3 2006, 15:23:00 UTC
Added :)


wafflelips January 3 2006, 15:46:05 UTC
Please leave me on your flist. Sorry that people were so rude as to hotlink. :-(


bases_by_maggie January 3 2006, 19:13:34 UTC
Don't worry, you're still there. :) I didn't take anyone out. I'll just be careful with new people.

And you don't have to apologize :)


smiley_1982 January 3 2006, 15:46:26 UTC

I really like _nocredit!!
Everyday i take a look if there are some new things.
But I don't have a livejournal, all the things I take
are for personal use in my msn as avatar/icon.
I really like the icons so I hope I will be added as friend
But if u don't like it, I understand because I know they are actually for LJ
I wish you good luck and success with your site!

(sorry if my english isn't so good ;) )


bases_by_maggie January 3 2006, 19:24:50 UTC
If you like to see my posts at _nocredit, you just have to become a member there. And you can do that, because you have a lj (even if you don't write in there).

If you want to see my icons in my personal journal I don't mind to add you back, because you explained your situation of msn. :)

It's your choice.

And don't worry about the english, I'm not english either :P


itsokimablonde January 3 2006, 15:59:47 UTC
i would love to be added.
i love seeing your icons.
right now i dont have any up, but when i get home i'll put new ones up so if you want you can wait till later to see if i credit.


bases_by_maggie January 3 2006, 19:28:21 UTC
Yes, I'll wait and see. :) When you're ready, add me, and I'll see if you're crediting. Then I'll add you back :)

I'm sorry about the suspicion, I just have to be careful.


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