PRETTY SHUR I HAD NO IDEA U HaD ONE OF THESE yay \YAH EMO IS GAY AND ANNOYING LIEK WHO CARES HOW SAD PEOPLE ARE, MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT IS In FRoNT OF U , WERE LIVIGN FOR A REASoN TO MaKE A DIFFERENCE NOT TO SIT ARoUND AND MOOPE , like i can understand a sad day everyone has a bad day btu those whole little 3 weeks shit yah screw that
u so have got it ashley i so agree y go when u have a lot u just cant see past this .. its like they say ..*suicide is a perment soloution to a temporary problem*
Comments 4
\YAH EMO IS GAY AND ANNOYING LIEK WHO CARES HOW SAD PEOPLE ARE, MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT IS In FRoNT OF U , WERE LIVIGN FOR A REASoN TO MaKE A DIFFERENCE NOT TO SIT ARoUND AND MOOPE , like i can understand a sad day everyone has a bad day btu those whole little 3 weeks shit yah screw that
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