(I hope this is allowed... if not, just tell me and I'll delete).
Okay, since there is no new episode tonight and some of us will be extremely bored (namely me), I thought we could engage in....
Rules? In the comments, post a prompt. It could be specific to the show, a lyric or a word. Someone will write a short, quick fic to reply. I doesn't have to be the best thing ever, just give it a shot!
In fact, I challenge all of you to give it a shot! Write something... even just fifty words.
Hey, what have we got to lose? There's no new episode tonight!
I figured that the posts are beginning to get all squishy, I'd make a list :)
Prompts that haven't been answered yet. Feel free to do the other one's too, though!
- Barney's thoughts to "Love Will Tear Us Apart" - Joy Division
- Ted helps get Barney/Robin together
- In Zip, Zip, Zip, Robin takes Barney up on his offer.
- A third Robin Sparkles video emerges
- Barney looks back on his relationship with Robin as she gets married
- Barney and Robin celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.
- Robin and Barney babysit
- Robin meets Harold and Kumar-verse NPH ... it just needs to be done, bbs.
- Shannon returns... revertigo sets in!
- Mamihlapinatapei ... a look of desire shared, but neither wants to initiate.
- Robin breaks the Bro Code.
lol we have to start answering these. Damn school!
This doesn't need to end just because the night did! Let's keep it going until the next episode, bbs!
This was awesome, guys