Fanfic: Run - Part 1/4

Apr 16, 2009 20:39

Title: Run - Part One
Rating: A few swears
Spoilers: AU from Mosbius Designs
Summary: Sometimes you can be so obliviously blind to something that you don’t realise its blatant obviousness until it is pointed out to you. And then you run.
A/N: Apparently, BROtp has decided to take over my brain, which is fine, but the effects are a lengthy fic, which has been divided into maybe four parts.

Sometimes you can be so obliviously blind to something that you don’t realise its blatant obviousness until it is pointed out to you.

Robin had just gotten off the phone with 5PR, a major news station in France when her realisation was uncovered for her. Gushing to the make-up girl about what a great opportunity it would be, (while weighing out the pros and cons of leaving in her head) Rachel spoke up.

“What about Barney?” she asked as she dabbled more blush onto Robin’s left cheek.

“What about him?” Robin replied nonchalantly.

Rachel raised an eyebrow because really no-one could be that oblivious.

“We’re not together,” Robin continued, correcting the common conclusion that most people made. “We’re friends.”

“Friends who call every morning at 4 just to wish each other luck on their ridiculously early morning show?”

“He’s just…supportive, and an insomniac,” Robin added.

“Friends who not only call, but send a bunch of flowers every morning for support?” Rachel kept her eyebrow raised, and as if on cue, the door to the dressing room opened revealing the stage assistant with a bunch of red roses.

“You know what they say about roses…” Peggy said with a warm smile as she laid the bunch down on Robin’s desk.

“Friends who buy out half of the company just to secure their friend a job?” Rachel continued as soon as Peggy had closed the door. “I’m just saying…” she shrugged, turning around to change a brush.

Robin’s face paled visibly as she looked at the flowers on the desk. “He bought out half the company?” Rachel nodded in reply. “…Well…I’m sure it was for his company, you know…they invest in stuff…so it’s no big deal.”

Robin’s face barely gained colour. She ignored Barney’s call at exactly 3:59am and at 6 she walked blankly out of the studio after her worse show yet.

Throughout the morning pondering the fact that Barney Stinson was in love with her? - And no matter how she paraphrased that sentence it always came out with a question mark at the end.

Yet that sentence made a lot of sense. It made all the sense in the world. Every look, every conversation, every touch, every interaction she had had with Barney in the recent-past suddenly made sense; the longing looks, the jealously issues over every guy she had briefly dated, the random declarations of her being “the greatest woman on the planet,” the kind gestures, the fake kiss last Wednesday when Barney had sworn that Shelley Gillespie had walked into MacLaren’s, that had lingered for waaaay too long than it should have (never happened.)

-“Just hide me,” Barney said in a panicked voice as he looked away from the entrance, shielding his face with an arm.

“Um…the kitchen, quick!”

“There’s no time,” he replied, panic present in his features as he took Robin by the arm, turning her so that her back was to the bar as he moved way too far into her personal space.

“Just run with this,” he whispered, lips brushing over her ear as he turned his head away from the crowd.

Robin inhaled sharply as she felt his lips brush over her cheek, once, twice and then his lips were on hers. Heart beating considerably faster, only at the fact that if they were discovered, Robin would have to go one-on-one with the bitch and she had conveniently forgotten to take her hand gun out with her tonight.

And she let him. She hadn’t forgotten what a damn good kisser (and other stuff-er) he was. She may have opened her mouth up like, literally the tiniest, miniscule bit ever when she felt his tongue seeking access. She didn’t think anything of it when one of his hands found its way into her hair, the other massaging her cheek with his thumb.

Barney broke it off, looking over his shoulder in Shelley’s direction. Robin felt his whole frame relax.

“You know what,” he said, turning around and pointing in the girl’s direction as Robin tried to slow her breathing back to normal. He had a look of contemplation on his features. “I’m actually 99% sure that that’s not her.”

He raised his hand, “hot fake make-out five!”

Robin returned the five sheepishly; she didn’t like the fact that she wasn’t as angry as she should have been at Barney.

They drank for another two rounds, conversing about the extreme measures Barney would take if Shelley ever did get out of prison to get away from her.

“Alright,” Barney said, checking his watch, “I’m outy. Scherbatsky, have a good night and stay out of trouble.”

“This is coming from you,” she scoffed.

His face softened as he smiled at her and his hand came up to cup her cheek gently, feeling the smoothness of her skin briefly.

“Thanks for…you know.”

“I should have slapped you and created a scene.”

“…But you didn’t…” he considered something for a moment before continuing with bravado, “You liked it, Scherbatsky, don’t try and deny it; I felt you slip in the tongue. You can’t resist me.”

She scoffed angrily, “please. And you’re the one who can’t keep their tongue to themselves!”

He grinned smugly as she glared at him.

“Have a good show,” he said before walking out of MacLaren’s. -

She checked the financial report for the station; what Rachel said was true, more than half of the company’s shares were held by a B. Bro - what the hell kind of alias was B. Bro anyway?! It could only be one person.


“I have some news,” Robin said approaching the booth at MacLaren’s with a full tray of drinks, a gesture that would surely soften her friends responses to what would come next.

“This just in,” Ted said, repeating their recurring joke as he held his newly-bought beer up to salute her with. Lily and Marshall smiled at her, taking theirs from the tray, as she slid into the booth next to Barney, sliding a scotch over to him.

“I got offered a job,” she began, feeling the déjà vu that reminded her of the last time she announced she was considering a job in a foreign country. Lily, Marshall and Ted all gave immediate congratulations. The body next to her was strangely silent in their celebrations.

About halfway through Ted’s second, “wow, that’s fantastic! Well at least you won’t have to change your sleeping patterns for this one, right?” spiel, Barney interrupted.

“It’s not in New York, is it?” he said quietly, his voice gaining volume as he continued on, avoiding eye contact with everyone, playing determinedly with his glass, “You’ll have to move away again, right?”

He finally looked up at Robin, an expression of longing in his eyes. It shocked her just how much emotion showed on Barney’s face. Or had he been looking at her like this for months? She didn’t know; she hadn’t cared to realise it before. But now that it was finally evident to her, the way that he felt, she couldn’t ignore it. He was in love with her.

She made a decision. Clearing her throat, she spoke, nodding at Barney’s question, “that’s right, it’s in France. And I’ve decided to take it.”

Mixed reactions came from around the table; mostly smiles on the opposite side, where Lily, Marshall and Ted were sat and a disturbingly heart-wrenching silence from her right.

She looked at Barney, who was avoiding eye-contact with her. She could see by his expression that he looked hurt, sad even. When he noticed the lull at the table, he looked back up at Robin, a huge smile sweeping his features.

“That’s just…great, it’s amazing Scherbatsky. And you won’t have the translation problems like in Japan ‘cause you already speak French, right?”

“Right,” she nodded, answering half-heartedly.

She’d made the right choice, taking the job in France; especially if this was what it was going to be like if she stayed, him having a thing for her, and her knowing about it. They couldn’t just go on pretending that nothing was going on, like nothing had transpired between them. If Robin had learned one thing from the time she’d slept with Barney it was that things like that couldn’t just be ignored and they would never be the same around each other.


The taxi ride to the airport was so awkward. Ted had logically suggested that they take two cabs instead of one so that they could all say their goodbyes; this was amongst Robin’s persuading that they really didn’t have to come at all. It would just make boarding the plane that much harder, but she was overruled. Two cabs it was.

And to make matters worse, as soon as they’d packed all of her luggage in, Lily had decided that she needed to pick something up from her kindergarten class on the way to the airport, so Marshall and her would take the other cab. Ted, at the last minute, also decided that he had an errand to run, so he would go with them. Leaving Barney and Robin to share a cab. Alone.

The silence was deafening. There were a lot of awkward looks and polite smiles, both of them acknowledging in their minds just how awkward this was.

“So…how long is this gig for anyway?” Barney asked.

“The contract’s for a year, but there’s an option to stay on after that’s finished.”

“Do you…do you think you will?”

Robin shrugged in reply as the taxi came to a halt. Robin looked outside. What the hell? They were at the airport already? It was usually a solid half-hour trip.


“I have to talk to you,” Lily said, tugging Robin by the arm as she hissed urgently in her ear, pulling her to a more secluded area of the airport.

“What’s up? And where did you learn to vice-grip like that from? I’m kind of impressed…” Robin said, rubbing her arm.

“Sorry about that,” Lily gestured to the red mark appearing on Robin’s skin, “sometimes I don’t realise my own strength. I need to tell you something. But I…can’t. I have to. I never will. I swore not to. I must…”

Robin watched amusedly as Lily fought an internal battle with herself.

“It’s about Barney…I have to tell you. It’s not my secret to tell. I can’t keep it in any longer! You have to know. No, you don’t. -“

“I know Barney’s “in love” with me!” Robin said loudly, interrupting Lily from her rapid speech. Lily looked up at her with wide eyes.

“You do? But, but how? Marshall didn’t tell you, did he?” She asked, her expression turning to anger at the prospect of Marshall blabbing. Robin shook her head. “Oh my god, Barney! That’s unbelievable, I’ve been at him for months to just be a man and tell you but I never thought he would…So what happened?”

“Barney didn’t tell me,” Robin answered calmly. Lily’s face dropped, “but then…how?”

“Look, it’s not important how I know, alright. I just do. And he doesn’t know…that I know.”

Lily contemplated something, “So you know, but you’re still leaving?”

“Did you know that he bought out half of the station, just to ensure that I had a job?! That’s crazy!” Robin countered.

“He didn’t want you to go back to Canada! We all would have done anything just to make sure that you stayed. Barney was about ready to propose if he thought that you’d ever accept it, accept him.”

“That’s kind of part of the reason why I have to go; so he can just get over this…this crush and we can all be friends again, friends who act normal around each other.”

“It’s not a crush, Robin,” Lily said quietly, patting her friend on the arm sincerely. “I don’t know how he’s going to cope with you gone, but I can’t change your mind and convince you to stay, so…so, say goodbye to him, and write and call and perhaps we can all avoid completely breaking down, okay?”

Robin stooped down and hugged her friend, both women clutching the other tightly, “I will. I promise.”


“This isn’t right,” said Marshall, sounding as if he was almost in tears as he leaned down and hugged Robin. “You going to France….It’s just not right. Who’s going to talk us all out of having kids and be sceptical and ramble about random Canadian things?”

Barney coughed, “uh, right here, except, you know, the Canadian thing.”

“The apartment is going to be so empty without you,” Ted said, taking over from Marshall and squeezing her around the shoulders as Lily comforted Marshall behind them.

“Hey, at least everything will be up to the Ted Mosby cleanliness standard now, you’ll only have yourself to blame for drinking all the milk and not replacing the toilet roll,” she joked, causing Ted to let out a chuckle, before he moved away.

Robin studied the last remaining member of the group to say goodbye. Barney was standing about five metres away, watching a plane out of the large windows, biting his lip.

“Barney,” she said as she approached him, causing him to look at her, a smile breaking on his face.

“Hey Scherbatsky, c’mere,” he said, widening his arm span before holding her into a close hug, one hand resting tight on her lower back as the other stroked the back of her head, caressing her soft hair.

“I expect emails at least once a week; you’re probably the only person who’ll explain what’s going on accurately… well, unless you’re writing about yourself,” she said into his neck. Robin heard Barney chuckle into her ear.

Barney broke the hug, still keeping Robin close, an arm still around her waist as the other held her head gently, rubbing circles softly on her cheek. Robin was slightly surprised, but mostly comforted by the gentleness of the gesture. Barney let out a large breath, “things are going to be really lame without you around.”

Robin smiled, “well, that’s comforting to know,” she said, not breaking eye contact.

He moved closer, and Robin panicked slightly internally as it seemed as if he was going to kiss her, but his mouth moved to her cheek and he laid a perfectly tender kiss on her cheek.

“Just…don’t change, okay?” he said quietly as he loosened his hold on her and started to back away. Robin nodded as he waved goodbye, walking over to the others who watched the exchange with interest. Well, they would, Robin thought to herself.

She waved cheerily as they all yelled goodbye and waved, and Lily returned for one last hug. And then they were gone.

Robin only started to cry when the plane took off.


To: Barney Stinson (

From: Robin Scherbatsky (

Subject: RE: Ted’s really lame

Hey Stinson

Did you realise it’s been A YEAR since I left NY?? How crazy is that?!

I want an immediate recap on everything that’s happened lately - the only person I’ve heard from recently is Marshall, which is weird…and lame because we all know the content of a typical Marshall email; like two whole lines, which mainly discuss Lily anyway…

I know Ted’s busy with Melanie(?) and I have no idea what’s been going on with Lily lately - wanna fill me in?

Come on dude, I’m jonesing for info here, even really boring stuff - what’s everyone doing tonight? Still hanging out at MacLaren’s?

Paris is okay I guess, nothing new here. Croissants are tasty, everyone’s arrogant. Old news. Miss NY. Might be back for Christmas *fingers crossed*

Scherbatsky oot.


Robin re-read her email before clicking send. And then she waited, flicking on the television for a few minutes. She smiled to herself when she heard the ding which meant that she had a reply already. If Barney was good for one thing, it was that he replied to emails quickly.

To: Robin Scherbatsky (

From: Barney Stinson (

Subject: RE: RE: Ted’s really lame

What up, Scherbatsky? Wasn’t expecting an email from u this point of the night, what is it, like 4 in the am over there? And FYI, I appreciated the “oot” too, Miss Canada.

U got the rest of my night pretty much pegged, b to the dub, hanging MacLaren’s - new bartender too. Sum old chick, reminds me of the manmaker. Lol. Ted’s a horrible wingman. If u come home we can bro out? News about u being back 4 christmas = AWESOME X AWESOME. And I know it’s been a year, a fucking boring one at that. Get back to NY.

Dunno what’s up with Lily, she’s actin weird. Don’t think Marshall’s noticed. Ted’s still busy wit blondie - hence the horrible wingmanship.

Talk soon.

Stinson out.


It was good to know that nothing had really changed. Robin took her suitcase out from under her bed and quickly chose a dress and some heels to wear; not the hottest outfit she owned but it still looked damn good on her, if she said so herself.

Quickly doing her hair and grabbing her clutch, Robin headed downstairs into the lobby.

“Good evening, miss,” the bellboy said, flashing her a smile. Not that she could really blame him, she looked hot. And damn if it wasn’t nice to not have to speak French at every turn.

She hailed the first taxi that passed and headed straight for MacLaren’s.

Robin was inwardly pleased at her plan to surprise everyone with an unannounced visit, but she never thought that she’d be the one who was surprised.

The inside of MacLaren’s looked the same and Robin immediately looked to the usual booth that they sat at, only to see a middle-aged couple sitting there…If only Doug still worked there, she thought to herself, she loved that booth.

Robin scouted the bar, eyes resting on one of the larger booths at the back, where amongst other figures, a head of blonde hair and a larger man sat. Robin grinned to herself, deciding to make a trip to the bar before she went over there, ordering a round of drinks, remembering what everybody had from memory.

As she approached the table, she heard the familiar voices, “I tell you Ted, it was the single most awesomest thing to have ever happened. True story.”

“It wasn’t that great, Barney,” Marshall interrupted.

“So you’re saying it was more awesome than the time Marshall forgot his pants?” Robin said, setting her tray down on the table as she slid into the booth next to Ted.

Barney considered her question for a moment, “It came close ------” his words halted in his mouth as she smiled expectantly at the group, waiting for a reaction. Suddenly, she was being bombarded by hugs from every direction, laughter and wide grins.

When everyone had composed themselves, the conversation started to flow.

“When did you get into town?” Ted asked.

“How come you didn’t tell us?” Marshall said.

“So that’s why you asked about the plans for tonight, you’re a sly one, Scherbatsky,” Barney stated.

“I love your outfit!” Lily squealed excitedly.

Robin looked around the group, every person smiling back at her almost idiotically. It was good to be home.

“I got in on Tuesday, I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted it to be a surprise, yes, that’s why I asked about the plans, and thank-you, Lily,” she smiled.

“Hey baby,” said an outside voice, a raven-haired girl sliding her way into the booth next to Barney, her lips immediately finding his cheek, kissing it as she made her way towards nibbling his ear. Barney’s eye caught Robin’s for a moment before they both looked away, Robin’s vision focusing on Lily who was now watching the exchange between Barney and the random girl, her lower lip being chewed up by her teeth in the process.

Robin looked to Marshall who was shifting around nervously and finally to Ted, who also looked uncomfortable as he shot a look of discomfort in her direction. When the woman was finished ravishing Barney’s neck, probably leaving a hickey - Robin thought, she murmured, “What’s wrong, baby?” quite obviously rubbing his upper leg.

“Nothing,” he hesitated quietly.

The girl looked up at their company, “hi,” she smiled sweetly at Lily and Marshall.

Lily quite obviously forced a smile as she gritted out a “hello.”

“And who’s this gorgeous babe, huh, Ted, your new girlfriend?” she asked suggestively, gesturing to Robin. A collective groan was heard from Lily and Marshall.

Ted cleared his throat, “I’m still with Melanie, Steff. This is Robin, she’s an old friend,” he said concisely.

“Oh, well hi Robin,” Steff responded. “I’m Steffi, but you can call me Steff,” she said, holding out a hand to shake. Robin took it after a moment, noticing that Steff wore a pretty nice looking ring on her ring finger.

Robin looked at the ring and back up at Barney, who, as if knowing what was going through her head, took a deep breath, a sigh even, his chest noticeably rising and falling.

“It’s nice to meet you, Steff,” Robin said, adding a sickeningly sweet smile to her demeanour. As Steff’s attention was turned back to Barney’s lips, cheek, neck and chest, Lily’s eyes locked with Robin’s.

Okay, Lily, what the hell?

Don’t look at me, Robin. I hate her as much as it looks like you do.

I second that motion.

Both Lily and Robin looked over to Marshall who had interrupted their telepathic conversation.

What? So I don’t get to be involved in the slagging-off-Steff conversation? Well, that’s just not fair. Marshall crossed his arms over his chest.

Are we talking about Steff? Please can I be involved? - Came a needy Ted voice.

I don’t remember this conversation being an open invite. - Lily glared at Ted.

Is she…is she with Barney? Lily, tell me the truth.

Lily’s eyes widened - You mean you don’t know?! I just presumed with the amount that you guys talked that he would have told you…

Told me what? Lily -

Can’t talk here, Robin, we don’t know who might be listening--- Lily broke off, glaring at Ted and Marshall.

Oh please, like we haven’t heard it all before, Lil - Marshall argued.

She shouldn’t find out like this, guys, it’s not right.

The whole situation’s not right - Ted added.

Look, Robin, I’ll tell you tomorrow. We’ll go out for Brunch and then shopping?

Something must be wrong if you so desperately sound like you need to shop - Robin countered. Ted and Marshall listened in interestedly.

Shut up.

“What’s going on, you guys?” came Barney’s real voice, interrupting and making them all jump in their seats slightly.

“Nothing,” they all said in unison. Both Barney and Steff gave them a weird look.

“If you say so…”

Robin took her glass in her hand and started to sip it, as she did so, Steff took Barney’s drink, mirroring Robin’s actions.

“Is that scotch? Whose drink is this?” she asked disgustedly, placing the glass back on the table.

“It’s Barney’s,” Marshall answered.

Steff scoffed, “It’s like you don’t know him at all,” she laughed, “Barney doesn’t even like scotch.”

Robin accidentally spat out the liquid that was currently occupying her mouth, making her cough and splutter, Ted began thumping her on the back to stop her from choking. She locked eyes with Lily again,

I’m soory, did she just say that Barney didn’t like scotch? - Robin’s internal voice was showing her Canadian accent as it did when she was angry.

Lily’s pointed reply came in a one word answer; Tomorrow.


Part Two is here:

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