Title: Freedom Deep Song by: INXS Vidder: Barkley Fandom: Red Dawn Summary: Wolverines! For destina in Festivids 2010 Notes: Thanks to elishavah! Thanks to Patrick Swayze!
Title: Flashdance Song: Flashdance (What a Feelin') by Irene Cara Fandom: Supernatural Vidders: barkley and destina Summary: Wherein we earnestly, and with deep sincerity, examine Dean Winchester's emotional journey in season four.
I decided to combine my two obsessions of the year and vid Supernatural to the Robert Downey, Jr. cover of River. (Come sit next to me and watch that episode of Ally McBeal where he sings this and plays the piano, it is heavenly
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Last of the Made for Vividcon 2008 vids - Challenge Vid
Song: Don't Think Twice Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Vidders: Barkley Music: Mike Ness Theme: Fuck you Notes: Thanks to destina for encouraging the crack. Download: 21 MB avi (right click)
Song: Life Begin Again Fandom: Life Vidders: Barkley Music: Afro Celt Sound System (with Robert Plant) Notes: Thanks to destina, greensilver and katie_m for their help! Download: 40 MB avi (right click)
And because I chopped the song up: Life Begin Again - mp3