New Vid: V (1983)

Aug 14, 2011 17:56

And last, but not least, here's our entry into this year's challenge show themed "Blast from the Past"

Vidders: destina and barkley
Fandom: V (1983)
Artist: Distorted
Song: Land of Confusion

Right Click to Download

vid announcement, vividcon, vidding

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Comments 14

giandujakiss August 14 2011, 22:27:41 UTC
There are no words to adequately convey my joy. V!! V! All the action and the characters and the resistance fighting - I'm just overflowing with nostalgia. Thank you for this!


ithildyn August 14 2011, 22:57:57 UTC
Everything you said! This was awesome.


barkley August 27 2011, 20:25:31 UTC
Thanks so much!


barkley August 27 2011, 20:25:13 UTC
Yay! I am so glad you liked it! And your icon is a thing of beauty!!!


cynatnite August 15 2011, 01:46:42 UTC
I can't tell you enough how much I fucking love this song and vid. I've got to watch this at least half a dozen times or else I'll be constantly thinking about this vid and not able to sleep.

Excellent work! Thanks so much for this!


barkley August 28 2011, 01:26:50 UTC
Oh, yay!!! Thanks so much!


isagel August 15 2011, 10:52:48 UTC
Oh my God, this is AMAZING! I was just looking at the playlist for the 80's vid show the other day and thinking that that was not my 80's - probably because of what did and didn't filter through to Sweden in the days when we only had two tv channels - but THIS, oh, this is my 80's right here. Along with the original Star Wars trilogy, I would say that V was my first sci-fi fandom, and it will always have a very special place in my heart. And what you've captured here are all the things about the original series that translate outside the story itself, the somewhat cheesily expressed message of resistance against facism, of ordinary people fighting for what is right, of sharing the fundamental human values with other human beings who are not at all like you, a message that is still important. The final image of the vid, it makes me all verklempt. In short, I really, really love this. <3


barkley August 28 2011, 01:29:02 UTC
This was totally my 80s! I still remember vividly the days on the bus in the morning when this aired and I'd find my friend and gush, "DID YOU SEE LAST NIGHT?!?!" and of course she had, and we'd talk all day about it. Baby fans in the making. *g*

And thank you so much! I am glad this worked for you!


veejane August 16 2011, 00:57:03 UTC
I feel that to say "This vid made me happy" will have me generally regarded as a sociopath. And yet, not only did this vid make me happy, I think I should go dig out my old VHS tapes and clutch them to my bosom.


barkley August 28 2011, 01:30:15 UTC
It makes me happy that it makes you happy. Sociopaths unite!


celli August 16 2011, 02:31:20 UTC
*standing ovation* YAY MY FIRST FANDOM!


barkley August 28 2011, 01:32:11 UTC
Thanks!! V will always hold a special place in my heart because of how awesome and how drawn in we all were when it first aired. I'm glad it worked for you!


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