New Vid - HLotS - You

Feb 27, 2006 11:57

New Vid:
Song: You
Music: Candlebox
Fandom: Homicide: LotS
Subject: Tim Bayliss and his obsessions

Vid Page

Many thanks to lapillus, katie_m, laurashapiro, and destina
for their comments and encouragement.

I would love to hear anything you have to say about it no matter how big or small or good or bad. Seriously.

tv_hlots, vid announcement, vidding, vids

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Comments 27

just_eunice February 27 2006, 17:10:37 UTC
OMG TIMMY VID. I haven't watched it yet, downloading now but OMG YOU MADE A TIMMY VID.


barkley February 27 2006, 17:13:50 UTC
And, you know, that other guy, the one in your icon? I think he might feature a bit too. *g* Yay frankentim! (I am lacking the appropriate icon for this!)


just_eunice February 27 2006, 17:23:37 UTC
Oh. Oh my god. Not coherent enough for feedback yet. Oh my poor sweet Timmy. You just broke my heart into a million pieces for him all over again. Just brought it *all* back and I'm sitting here all...oh Timmy. My original woobie. So very broken.


barkley February 27 2006, 19:29:25 UTC
Oh, thank you! I just adore Tim's arc in the show. It's like I want to yell at him before he answers that first case "Don't pick up the phone!" But he does and he's never the same. Timmy!


k2daisy February 27 2006, 17:40:37 UTC

I love how unrelenting the crescendo is at the end -- as unrelenting as his downfall was. You kept looking for him to catch a break, to right himself again, and it was never gonna come. He was just too broken.

Now I totally want to watch all the seasons right now. I am SO filled with nostalgia and melancholy!


barkley February 27 2006, 19:22:45 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! I adore Timmy's arc in the series. I'm not sure how many other shows I'd like where my one of main characters ended up like that, but in this one, it was the one place for him to go if he could never escape all the crap that's been piling on him.

Go forth and watch.


Blessings Upon You bookworm_myrtle February 27 2006, 18:12:22 UTC
Thank you for this. Thank you more than I can express. There are so many wonderful aspects of this vid, both emotional and technical. I know Eunice is having trouble right now because, you see, one night at my house she watched HLOTS with me, complained at first that the camera work gave her a headache, but she got sucked in and was suddenly hooked. Then obsessed. It was her first fandom, her true love, and Timmy... well he was just kind of everything to her ( ... )


Re: Blessings Upon You barkley February 27 2006, 19:14:39 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! Homicide was that show that I heard was really good but on days I wasn't home. And then I was home and it was on and my jaw dropped at the Homicidey goodness (and this was in season 5 when most of the hard-core newsgroup posters were bemoaning the lack of quality. Whatever, I was in love ( ... )


cofax7 February 27 2006, 18:17:01 UTC
Oh, I loved this. Tim! Tim and Frank! And Adena! And the white board and the confession on the roof!

I need to watch it a bunch more times.

It was very well-received, if nobody has said so yet. People were very happy.


barkley February 27 2006, 18:38:43 UTC
Oh, thank you! (I usually pester Destina to give me the vidshow room lowdown, but she didn't go this year, so I've been adrift in the see of nothingness!)


cofax7 February 27 2006, 19:32:28 UTC
It got a big applause, and we talked about it in Vid Review, although my notes are somewhat unhelpful: The actual title of the song is "Fuck You". Huh. How accessible is the vid? "You" switches from the dead girl (Adena) to Frank near the end. Covers the entire run of Bayliss' career, everything always relates back to Adena and Frank.

I think it would be only sort of accessible to those unfamiliar with the canon, but it felt very sophisticated and I think a lot of people responded to that, even if they didn't know who these two guys were.


barkley March 9 2006, 18:47:19 UTC
Oooh, notes! Thank you so much for the in the room reaction. I realize belatedly why it's so inaccessible to non-viewers. I'm not sure I would have done that particular part any different[1] but now I know what's not clear about it.

[1]I would totally change around a great portion of this vid. Just not the end. *g*


elishavah February 27 2006, 18:29:24 UTC
New vid, yay. it okay to watch if I've still only seen the first two seasons?


barkley February 27 2006, 18:34:18 UTC
Most definitely not! Spoils big time all the way up to the movie. Be strong. (Do you netflix?)


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