(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 20:32

Today I went to my Supervisory Skills class, and when they asked us to write down something that we'd like to learn how to improve on from the class I wrote "How to be taken seriously as a SS by your partners" bcuz I just don't really feel like people respect my "managment" position.

I used to tell my SM about stuff going on in the store as a barista and now she gives me a look every time I'm gonna talk to her. One especially rough morning I walked over to her and she said "Not now, I can't hear any more complaining." and I walked off really pissed. She used to tell me to leave notes for the shifts and stuff on things they need to get done, and now that I'm a shift, it's like "Oh well, they're still being lazy, and more of the weight while your there is on you; sucks to be you!". Tons more examples, but I wanna make this short; pretty much, she has stopped caring.

I'm one of the youngest people at my store, and although I'm not the youngest SS, the other one transferred in as one. We get scheduled a lot together seeing as we're the main openers, and he steps on my toes as a SS. Not mean or pulling seniority or anything, but I feel like he's just letting me use the title and play cash-handler. When I talk to other shifts when I see them, they just kinda let what I say slide off them bcuz none of it gets done.

When I wrote that on the post it, I meant it towards taking the lead among baristas I used to work with, bcuz I moved up in the same store. A fellow SS from my store was sitting next to me, read it, and said, "M* no one takes you seriously as a shift." When I asked him what he meant, he said "Seriously, no one." When I asked who, he said "All the older people" and finally, when I said, as he knows, I'm one of the youngest people at our store, he gave me a half smile and turned back to what he was doing. He was dead serious.

I think transferring stores is in the near future. Bcuz that store is falling apart anyway.
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