
Aug 22, 2008 11:15

Everyone knows I love shinies. Love, love, love them. I have an unhealthy addiction to Wyrding Studios and ogle
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Comments 8

strangemodegirl August 22 2008, 18:42:55 UTC
Elise's stuff is gorgeous, but, I just bought another pair of earrings from Alicia Stardust and am about embark on bill paying. *sobs* Why can't I be independently wealthy?


baristababe August 22 2008, 19:17:24 UTC
Seriously. Or find someone to be my sugar daddy.

(Picture of earrings from Alicia? I've been coveting several from her as well . . . )


stilldocked_too August 22 2008, 18:47:42 UTC
What the heck is a shinie?


baristababe August 22 2008, 19:16:50 UTC
Jewelry! :)

I call my earring and pendant collection my shinies . . .

Yep. I have even more problems than you originally thought.


wyntermoonwolf August 22 2008, 21:06:54 UTC
I can distinctly see the words "for me" after "I strongly encourage you to go look and shop".


baristababe August 23 2008, 00:33:10 UTC

*checks post again*

I certainly wouldn't fight anyone off if they wanted to go and shop for me.


gripesofwrath August 23 2008, 05:30:05 UTC
You know that before you spend a whole bunch of money on jewelry you still owe me TWO visits and that cash should be going towards a plane ticket. RIGHT? :)


baristababe August 23 2008, 05:31:57 UTC
Hey, I didn't buy anything! I promise! (And I've been very good about shopping. I swear. Amazing the sort of self control one can get out of absolute necessity . . . aka "I wonder if I'll be able to pay my rent next month...")


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