Visible Ink

Sep 30, 2009 02:34


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Comments 10

cookie_simone September 29 2009, 22:26:55 UTC
Heroes sucks way less when you're watching it like a casual viewer. I find that I can't bring myself to care about the stupid mistakes they're making, and I'm actually enjoying quite a few of the storylines (not in an "OMGSQUEE!" sorta way, but in a regular, moment-to-moment sorta way). I like Emma, I enjoy watching Hayden's acting, and I like her scenes with Gretchen, Peter doesn't suck so bad, and the Matt/Sylar stuff are lulzy.

I was surprised Aaron Coleite wrote this episode. He's written some good ones in the past. This ep definitely had some great moments, but I kept getting distracted by lines that would have given the scenes so much more impact if they'd been left out. (Gretchen's "Yeah, made it up..." about her bulimia, Sylar flat-out saying that he used Matt's power against him, a lot of Samuel's monologue at the beginning, etc.) Seriously, guys. You don't always need to write in an awkward line of dialogue to state the obvious, when a meaningful look or smirk or awkward silence can do the trick. Give the actors and the ( ... )


barhaven September 30 2009, 05:54:56 UTC
Heroes sucks way less when you're watching it like a casual viewer.

I discovered that with Supernatural. I hated the first season, and a fair number of things about the second season, but I found that bitching about it engaged me enough to keep watching. (What can I say, I like making fun of things.) Then it actually grew as a show and got better over time, and I could slip into watching it as a casual viewer without thinking too critically about it. It'd be nice to see Heroes get back to that place.



moustachios September 30 2009, 00:36:47 UTC
I'm actually enjoying this season. Mostly because, while bits of it suck, it's not EPIC FAIL SHOW suck (so far).

I like Emma, although I can see some more bad romance looming over her.

Tattoo girl is boring so far.

Gretchen? I was waiting for her to be hilariously evil, but she hasn't shown much sign of that. Yet. (Bitchy flashes at lunch: clues to evil, or just sensitive girl acting hurt?)

I'm leaning towards the Sylar in Matt's head actually just being Figment!Sylar and not Real!Sylar's ghost. He doesn't know how he got in Matt's head (which Real!Sylar should have figured out pretty damn easily, seeing his ability is to figure out how stuff works), and if he really had control over Matt's abilities, he should've been able to just march Matt over to Washington for the Happy Villains Ghost-Body Reunion Show. (Or it could be Real!Sylar, and I'm just foolishly expecting the writers to care about logic and internal consistency.)


barhaven September 30 2009, 06:27:29 UTC
So far I'm enjoying it more than I enjoyed the last two seasons. But it didn't take season 3 long to start failing epically, so I'm still in wait-and-see mode.

Emma > tattoo girl. Just don't become Peter's love interest, Emma. IT'S A TRAP.

I don't care much about Gretchen so far, but I'll be miffed if she turns out to be evil. I was all into forensics and criminology and stuff when I was a kid, and I remember my mom once getting annoyed about it saying something to the effect of, "It's like you're training to be a serial killer!" Which made me go "WTF??" even then. So I might just hold an irrational personal grudge against the writers if they decide to make the gung-ho forensics girl evil because she's OMG SOOOO MORBID LOLZ!!1

It would be so much more interesting if it turned out figment!Sylar wasn't real!Sylar. Plus it would make a lot more sense, both logically and thematically. With all the stuff they've set up with fake!Nathan - all those potential themes of identity and memory and what makes a person real - it'd make a cool ( ... )


sabella_a September 30 2009, 02:15:23 UTC
And I thought there wasn't even enough interesting things for you to write about this week. I underestimate U.

One thing. I HATE that bulimic, pushy, creepy stalker girlfriend of Claire. HATE. HATE. HATE. It has to do with both the character and the actress. Claire's scenes have been improved much without her wig this season, but now her stalker friend's here to ruin it again. Haven't hated a character this much since Ruby 2.0 in SPN.

T-bag (Samuel) and Sylar are the only reason why I still watched half-heartedly. I even dislike HRG this season. You have higher tolerant of PHAIL than me.


barhaven September 30 2009, 09:23:48 UTC
I'm not hating anyone's storylines just yet. Claire's definitely isn't my favourite, but the perk of an ensemble show is that if you don't like one character's storyline, another one will be along shortly to pick things up.

You always hate more characters than me. ;O (I didn't mind Ruby 2.0. Ruby 1.0 annoyed me a lot more.) West still has my monopoly on Heroes character hate. Even though I'm not digging the storyline, Gretchen will have to work pretty hard to top that particular fail.


angary October 2 2009, 06:57:50 UTC
West still has my monopoly on Heroes character hate.

Have you read the Rebel GN series? It might change your mind on him. It did for me! (Then again, it's been a while since I've re-watched V2, LOL.)


barhaven October 2 2009, 16:24:39 UTC
I haven't read the graphic novels for a while. I usually wait a few months, the read a bunch in one sitting. West had some GNs back during season 2, and they just made me wish even harder that he'd get sucked into a jet engine. If the Rebel GNs can do better, it'd be a pretty amazing feat of character revamping.


angary October 2 2009, 06:51:14 UTC
I'm also digging Peter's arc so far, and, like you, I thought Emma's introduction played out very nicely. I like that she was introduced as a character, and not a love interest, that her power is understated, and that she looked so happy after her initial confusion at "seeing" sounds. I agree that her cello scene was well-done and it was a nice touch that the applause was muted. Additionally, I thought it was really great that Peter just stood there and smiled instead of going up to her and being all invasive and shit, because it was a subtle portrayal of character growth. Like, I could see why he was being kind of pushy when he first met her, but in the park, he knew it wasn't the right moment to approach her. Yay, Peter ( ... )


barhaven October 2 2009, 16:20:31 UTC
I like that she was introduced as a character, and not a love interest,

That's one of the reasons I hated West, and didn't give a damn about Caitlin and a lot of the other love interests. They were introduced as plot devices to hang off the main characters for a while, not characters we should care about. As much as I'd rather they not waste Emma as Peter's newest love interest (IT'S A TRAP, EMMA), she had a great introduction. I'm crossing my fingers that she'll get a good storyline!

I'd rather have eps that focus on a couple of core characters.

I'm glad they're doing this, too. While it's a bit disappointing when the characters you like are absent for an episode or two (WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, MOHINDER?), they get more time devoted to them when they ARE around, and their episode arcs are less rushed and better paced.

I still think that Gretchen is just somewhat socially awkward, but not evil.I hope so! I'm not crazy about her, but I was all gung-ho about forensics ever since I was a kid (still am!), and I'd be a bit miffed on ( ... )


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