The Worst Dungeon Master Ever. "Roll for breast size!" (The site blocks my ISP for some reason, but the link's worked when I've tried it elsewhere. At least there's always
Google cache.)
Pushpin Mario. The awesome things you can create with a lot of time on your hands.
The American Akira. Somehow it won't surprise me if the movie
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Comments 11
Oh yeah, the sex in the tram in does happen a lot, I even saw that once on a NON RP server.
Although with how popular people know it to be for such things why they go in such a place I'll never know....
WHAT I DON'T WANT ALI LARTER TO GO ANYWHERE AND I DON'T WANT TRACY TO GO ANYWHERE. GODDAMN. (That said, I perfectly understand her wanting out.)
I like Tracy. I'd be sad if Ali Larter left. :( But less sad than I'd be if it were another cast member, especially since it'd be so easy to bring her back some time down the line. If Tracy dies, they have a spare.
They probably introduced Barbara just to have a spare if Tracy didn't work out. And yeah, as much as I love Tracy, the other option fitting those requirements (except for more name recognition) is Mohinder. And between Tracy and Mohinder? Bye, girl!
But yeah, vague internet rumours are vague internet rumours, so I'm not going to start with the "OH NOEZ!!1" yet. I'd rather just stay spoiler-free, wait for February, and hope Fugitives is a step up for everyone.
I could have cried when I heard about Majel Roddenberry. (*Now* who'll be the voice of the computer?! Also, Lwaxanna Troi rocked my socks.)
Why did so many awesome people have to die last year? :(
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