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Comments 22

neshel March 4 2008, 15:46:58 UTC
*hides face in hands*


*is too distraught by the mental image to properly comment*


barhaven March 5 2008, 08:26:52 UTC
I'm choosing to take that as a compliment. ;) Nice I know I can get an emotional reaction out of the reader (even if that reaction is an "OMG!"). It has to suck for Sylar, but all things considered, there ARE worse things that could happen to him when zombiepocalypses are involved.

Thanks for the comment!


mabetini March 4 2008, 18:37:57 UTC

The imagery in this was so fantastic that it made me sick! (in a good way of course)

Zombie movies scare the HELL out of me. How did Sylar let that happen?!?!

PLEASE tell me he lived and everything was fine! Even if he only has one arm they need each other!!!

Is there going to be more?! HAPPY ENDING PLZ?!?!


barhaven March 5 2008, 08:49:03 UTC
The imagery in this was so fantastic that it made me sick! (in a good way of course)

Is it wrong of me to be thrilled to hear this? XD This fic is kinda short, so I wasn't sure I'd be able to hit that gore/horror vibe in the time it took to tell the story.

How did Sylar let that happen?!?!

All it takes is one mistake, or trying to take on one zombie too many, or not noticing one until it's too late, or not killing one as thoroughly as you thought you did.... Happens to the best of us. ;) If he was skilled or lucky enough to get by for two years without making a mistake before now, he was doing pretty good, all things considered.

Heh, zombiepocalypses aren't generally known for their happy endings. When most of humanity is dead and the world belongs to zombies moaning for your braaaains, it's hard for things to turn out all rainbows and sunshine and zombie kittens ( ... )


mabetini March 5 2008, 18:12:04 UTC
"If I were to write more of this 'verse, Sylar prooooobably would have lived through this particular trauma. If only because he'd never, ever let Mohinder forget about it afterwards."

ROFL omg when I read that I had the funniest mental image of Sylar whacking Mohinder repeatedly with his stump of an arm!!!



forsquilis March 4 2008, 18:57:30 UTC
I think I forgot to mention last night that one of the things I liked was the way you portrayed Mohinder. I took him to one emotional extreme, with him ending up being so stressed and interdependent on others that the past stops mattering and he ends up becoming extremely attached to the people he's with, murderers included. You took him to the other extreme, but it still rings true to me and I like it.

Wait a minute...you didn't post this to heroes_mohinder?!?


barhaven March 4 2008, 22:12:45 UTC
Thanks! I have more trouble with Mohinder's character than certain other characters, so it's good to hear you approve. :) Characters like Sylar (and hell, even the likes of Peter) are easier to keep consistent. Their motives and thoughts are usually fairly straightforward. Mo's more tricky for some reason, even when it's NOT a zombiepocalypse. Funny how we both went pretty much opposite ways with him. :)

Wait a minute...you didn't post this to heroes_mohinder?!?

Oops! I knew I was missing one. I was half asleep when I posted the links to comms, so I just did the ones that I was already a member of. *posts*


levitatethis March 4 2008, 23:20:32 UTC
Oh man, I love this universe. The living dead, the infected dead (moving slow or fast depending on ones preference :^)...it's one of those things that just works for me ( ... )


barhaven March 6 2008, 10:43:06 UTC
Thanks for the lovely comment! :) Zombiepocalypses make for awesome stories in general, and I love that they seem to pop up so often in Heroes fanfics. (Though with all the Apocalypses they have to avert on the show, maybe it's only a matter of time.)

I'm glad you like how I presented the world in this story. I basically started with nothing but the idea of "katana!Mohinder vs. zombies" in my head, and everything else sprang up around that. One of those instances where a story and 'verse formed itself completely around the character.

Heh, the Mylar tends to creep into everything, even when it's gen Mylar. There's just something about that rapport they have that doesn't seem to change regardless of whether they're allies or enemies. Even when they're only allies of convenience, don't particularly enjoy each other's company, and still hold those old grudges to some degree, there that level of understanding between them that still lets them do what needs to be done. Nothing like a zombiepocalypse to bring people together ( ... )


megmatthews20 March 5 2008, 05:13:14 UTC
I love the idea of Mohinder with a sword taking out zombies...seriously...they should make a Heroes zombie-pocalypse movie just so Mohinder can use a sword...

I also enjoy the coldness you've given his character, and the struggle to survive, etc... The relationship between Mohinder and Sylar is really interestingly written. Mohinder needs him, but no longer worries so much ABOUT needing him...if that makes sense.

And Sylar kinda needs Mohinder too, which is always nice...

Fascinating story all around...I wince in sympathy for Sylar's lost arm...



barhaven March 6 2008, 12:43:30 UTC
I love the idea of Mohinder with a sword taking out zombies...seriously...

I love the idea too. XD I'm kind of embarrassed how much I like it. Usually when I write a story I try to have a particular concept or theme or something going on. Whereas this one was pretty much just "MOHINDER + KATANA + ZOMBIES = WIN", and the rest of the story just formed around that.

It seems like Mohinder and Sylar have pretty much the same rapport whether they're allies or enemies, but they have an...understanding, here. Nothing brings people together quite like a zombiepocalypse, eh?

I wince in sympathy for Sylar's lost arm...

Yeah, it'll severely cut down on his ability to make dramatic gestures. ;) But he has his TK, so I figure he'd adjust a lot better than most people would. Getting half you arm lopped off has to suck, but it sure beats dying.

Thanks for the comment! :)


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