The Haiku Episode Guide to Supernatural

Oct 30, 2030 19:00

The Haiku Episode Guide to Supernatural

Work in progress, Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Mary F. Dominiak, aka Bardicvoice
This will be updated as the series continues, and missing entries from seasons seven and eight will be added as I manage to finish them.

The first haiku for the series was essentially written by Eric Kripke: ( Read more... )

episode commentaries, haiku, supernatural

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Comments 6

kinkthatwinked August 9 2013, 01:26:33 UTC
I think these were fantastic! You've certainly mastered the haiku, and did a great job capturing the episodes.

By the way, how do you get your banner to change every few seconds like that?


bardicvoice August 21 2013, 00:31:04 UTC
Thanks! Glad you like them!

My friend Cakehole_Cat created the header for me a few years ago. I'm hopeless with graphics, but it's just an animated gif; I use Custom CSS in the "customize your theme" part of Journal Style to direct how and where it displays, including the Photobucket address of my gorgeous gif. This is what my code entry in the "Custom stylesheet" box looks like (just without the quote marks at the very beginning and very end):

".headerimage {
height: 312px;
background-image: url(" ") !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-attachment: scroll !important;
background-position: center !important;

margin-bottom: 15px;

Hope this helps you!


borgmama1of5 August 9 2013, 03:43:18 UTC
Brilliant! Can't wait for the missing ones!


bardicvoice August 21 2013, 00:32:18 UTC
I can't wait to write them! Except I have to; I need to review the episodes to get the emotional quotient right!



rince1wind August 10 2013, 00:27:19 UTC
These are like drabbles reduced to their essence.


bardicvoice August 21 2013, 00:34:44 UTC
I've done haiku for many years. The haiku discipline is what made me decide to try drabbles a few years back, and I really loved what dedicating myself to the form did for my writing - not that you'd notice it from my episode commentaries and meta! Ye gods and little fishes, but I can be verbose ... *grin*


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