8.17 Goodbye Stranger: I Can't Take Any More Lies - From Anyone

Apr 01, 2013 20:29

8.17 Goodbye Stranger: I Can't Take Any More Lies - From Anyone

Lucifer's lost crypts
Conceal the angel tablet:
Win and lose at once.

Commentary And Meta Analysis

This episode was a game-changer in many ways, and I enjoyed them all. It also harked back to much of the show's history while shining a different light on it, and I appreciated that as well.

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castiel, jared padalecki, misha collins, myth, episode commentaries, winchester family business, theology, supernatural university, psychology, jensen ackles, dean winchester, television production, sam winchester, meta, supernatural

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Comments 3

borgmama1of5 April 2 2013, 02:13:14 UTC
Interesting observation on Cas' beat-down of Dean. I shall have to rewatch the episode and see if I see the deliberateness you saw.

And how many people have managed to free themselves from mind-control or demon possession because they loved Dean? John, Bobby, Sam, and now Cas...Hmmmm.


moonshayde April 2 2013, 22:59:57 UTC
One word: awesome


Lovely! nodjnopoint April 3 2013, 22:34:11 UTC
Hi Mary-

My goodness, I so look forward to these essays you write. You provide such insight and most certainly a depth to the story-telling that I would otherwise not even consider. Kudos!

I'd love your take on the the fact that when Mrs. Tran was possessed by Crowley, her eyes turned red. I remember thinking at the time, "How odd. Crowley's eyes never appeared red before now."

Also Super!Fan Becky told Sam that Crowley was Lilith's demon lover. I can see how Crowley would have manipulated his way into Lilith's good graces to secure the Colt, as well as intelligence into the plot to free Lucifer. It makes total sense in the case you've built.

Lastly, I too wondered about Sam's transformation. I had speculated to myself that these trials might do more than just reset Sam to his original genetic form, but maybe tranform him to angel.

I can't imagine this arc being so neatly wrapped up this season. There's just too much story here. I do hope they don't rush the telling.

Thanks, Mary! Another wonderful episode redux!



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