The LJ Rich Text Editor is finally playing nice with OpenOffice, so I'm finally posting my one season seven review here on LJ. Yay! At last!!
7.03 The Girl Next Door: Nothing In Our Lives Is Simple
What makes a monster?
Sam hunts, then frees, an old friend;
Dean kills her instead.
Read the rest ... )
Comments 2
Yeah, that's what I saw too.
Sam's memories of Hell are of being a victim, while Dean's memories are of having become a monster to escape being a victim... And I think they mean Dean despises himself for a failure and a monster and has no hope at all, while Sam understands redemption and realizes that while he made mistakes and did colossally bad things, he also sacrificed and continues to work to correct them. He still holds himself responsible for the effects of what he did, but he doesn't believe at his core that he merits ( ... )
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